Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Lightningfrost slowly opened her eyes. She let out a yawn, she put her head up and looked around from the tree she was perched in. A few blackbirds hopped on the forest floor, dragging worms out from the earth. A snort made her jump. Hawksoul was asleep next to her, his brown tabby pelt mixed with her black one. She let out a sigh a pushed him away, lightly with her nose. He let a screech and rolled out of tree. She gasped and looked down at him with an apoplectic grin, she dug her claws into the tree so she didn't slip. He was flat on his front, his tail under him at an awkward angle.

"Don't do that! And owww!" He growled looking up at her. His gorgeous green eyes glittered with amusement. He dug his long claws into the ground to himself recover from the quick fall.

"Sorry, I only meant to wake you!" She called down dryly. He raised a green eye at her, obliviously knowing she didn't really care.

"And hedgehogs fly" he said back. She rolled her eyes and jumped down branch to branch to get down from the tree. Her fur slightly rustled from Hawksouls fall and the warm breeze.

"So what way?" She asked grooming down her ruffled black fur. The brown tabby tom tasted the air and narrowed his eyes. His black tipped tail flicked lightly side to side.

"This way, I think" he said walking towards the sun. Lightningfrost bounded after him.

"Wait? You think?!" She said in disbelief. He twitched his whiskers ans smiled.

"Its been a while since I have been near and too OceanClan, in case you have forgotten" he retorted in a cheerful tone. Her fur bristled.

"I think we should hunt, judging by the fact you don't know were you are going, so its going to be a long journey" she said sarcastically, licking her lips at the thought of a juicy piece of prey

"I guess you have a point" he sighed tasting the air. She smiled in satisfaction and scanned the forest. The birch trees had all vanished and strong, sturdy oaks replaced them. There bright green leaves rustled in the trees.The forest wasn't as bright but carried the promising signs of prey. She then stopped in her sights, as grey squirrel nibbling on an acorn by the foot of an oak tree. The wind was in her favour as she was down wind of it. She crept into a hunters crouch and stalked the plump squirrel. Suddenly the wind changed and the squirrel caught her scent. Its round blacks eyes wide it dropped the acorn and darted up the tree.

"Mouse-dung!" She spat sitting down in a huff. She licked her white paw and drew it over her muzzle, trying to show she wasn't bothered about losing her prey.

"Too bad, oh well there are plenty more to be caught" Hawksoul chipped in nudging her shoulder. She pushed him away and flashed him an angry look. She stomped into some bracken. Hawksoul sighed and sat down, he groomed his belly fur what had white dashes down it.

Lightningfrost tasted the air once again. She caught the scent of a thrush. She slowly made her way through the bracken towards the scent. She then stopped it, pecking at some seeds on the floor. She slowly stalked it, she kept her hunters crouch low and gently swished her tail. The thrush let out a call and another thrush landed by it. The two birds courted each other with gently pecks to one another's neck. Both of the thrush turned their backs on her to enjoy their meal. Suddenly a brown tabby pelt landed on one of the thrushes, its mate let out a cry and took to the sky. But Lightningfrost jumped and snagged its wing with her claw, it fell to the ground and she gave it the killing bite. She flashed Hawksoul and irritated look.

"I could have got them both! I don't need your help!" She shouted at him. Boths cats fur bristled.

"You should be happy I helped! Like you could take to pieces of prey that could fly!" He retorted sharply. She hissed at him. He snarled back, both cats unsheathed their claws. The anger in Hawksouls eyes died down as her began so pluck the feathers from the thrush. Lightningfrost stared at him alittle longer, anger was burning through her cold, blue stare. She then crouched down a plucked the feathers from her kill.

Once they plucked the feathers Lightningfrost took a big bite of her thrush. Warm blood oozed into her mouth taking away her thirst. The rich flesh slowly replenished her hunger.

Soon the wood thrush was gone and both cats sat there full. Lightningfrost began to groom her whole pelt. Hawksoul did the same.

"I'm ready when you are" the black warrior said looking at the forest beyond. Hawksoul lifted his head up.

"Let's go then!" He said happily as he set off, his tail high in the air. Lightningfrost flicked her ear and followed him.

The two cats walked along in silence. Every few heart beats they would stop and taste the air. Suddenly a loud rumble shook the ground. Lightningfrost fur stood on end, her blue eyes so wide it revealed a white out line. Hawksoul seemed perfectly calm. Soon the rumbling died down, she stood the still for a moment.

"What was that?" She breathed, her heart was pounding out of her chest.

"That was a Monster, twolegs use them" he informed. She gave him a side ways glance.

"And you know this how?"

"They would come to the beach with their kits" he said while sniffing the air.

"My clan have never seen monsters, we have twolegs visit sometimes in green-leaf" she told him.

"You must live deep in the forest then" he said look down at her. She just realised how tall he was, her head just went over his shoulders.

"We do, that's why we are called DarkClan" she said, raising a blue eye. He gave her a sweet smile a continued walking.

Soon the trees stared to disappear and bright yellow sunlight boomed into view. She squinted her eyes. Soon berry bushes came into, they were lined up neatly in a long row. The the rumbling sound came again.

"Follow me!" He said, the two cats bounded over to a bush and crawled inside it. She pushed a branch with her paw out of her face. And there lay a black turf. She let out a cough from the putrid smell. "Be careful, that's the thunder-path" Hawksoul said, then a bright caught her eye. A red monster thundered towards her. It roared past them.

"Run when I say!" Hawksoul shouted over the noise.

"Wait what?!" She shouted but Hawksoul pushed her forward. She pelted across the thunder-path, Hawksoul close on her heels. A black monster charged at them but Lightningfrost jumped through the bush and landed on soft grass the other side. She laid there dazed, her heart pounding. "Hawksoul?" She called. There was no reply. She jumped to her paws.

"Hawksoul?!" She shouted. Still no reply, worry boiled in her chest. She padded towards the thunder-path. She peaked through the bush. She let out a sigh of relief. There was no dead body.

Paws crashed into her side.

"Its always me who finds you" a tom purred. She looks up to Hawksoul with a grin on his face, his emerald green eyes soft. She smiled at him.

"Get off" she purred. He got off her shoulders and she pulled herself up. She licked his shoulder, she felt his pelt grow warm. "So what way?" She asked

"To the towlegs nest" he said flicking his tail towards the tall sturdy nests.



Guys if you know you are meant to be in my book later on remind me as I have forgotten so comment or message me or you won't be in it!

Also read True Blood by princesszeldarocks

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