Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The sunlight dazzled her. She blinked a few times to regain her sight. The sun was at its highest point, she had over slept. Frustrated, she let out a hiss. Carefully she got to her paws, being careful not to fall it of the tree. Slowly she made her way along the branch of the oak tree. Hunching up her muscles, she jumped down from the tree. She parted her jaws to track down the scent again, she found it.

Once she left the cave the day before she had set off in search of Hawksoul to apologise and to complete the prophecy. She spent the night in a tree keep off the ground as the scent of two-legs was strong.

"I bet he has gone back to OceanClan" Lightningfrost said to herself. Then, to her surprise, the direction of his tracks changed. His tracks changed to the direction they took to get to the mountain. It then hit her, she knew where he was going or already was. She broke into a run, skilfully dodging the thistles and trees.

She skidded into a halt in a clearing. Her blue eyes widened with shock and hurt. Her tail dropped.

Hawksoul sat there playing with Feather, Jay and Crow. River and Hawksoul sat there purring while the kits played around their paws. It was the perfect picture. Lightningfrosts heart broke into, again, it was worse than when Hawkfrost left her.

"Lightningfrost!" Feather squeaked. Hawksouls head snapped around to face her. His eyes widened.

"Lightning-" he began but she had already spun around and began to run away. Tears poured down her face. Her face began to harden with anger and hurt, her claws started to unsheath. Hawksoul chased her through the forest. He broke her. I'm never letting any cat get close to me again! She began to slow down.

She turned around, Hawksoul stood there. His breathing heavy.

"Look hear me out" he said. Lightningfrosts fur began to bristle with anger. He said he loved her, why flirt with River?

"Stay way from me" she snarled. Hawksoul flinched at her harsh reply. The tabby took a step forward, his eyes clouded with pain.

"Lightningfrost, I love you. Not River" he said softly. She believed him but she was still angry, why did he go to find River and not wait for her?

"That's not what it looked like" she said lifting her head up slightly. He shook his head.

"I was just pleased to see they were okay, that the kits were okay" his voice was getting softer. Lightningfrost couldn't help but calm down.

"So? Doesn't change what I saw" she growled, turning away. The black cat sat down and looked at her paws, a tear escaped. Silently she hissed in anger as she let her emotions get the better of her once again. Hawksouls sweet scent washed over her as he stood by her. He looked down at her.

"Lightningfrost I love you so much, you need to believe that" he said so softly in her ear it made the fur on her neck stand up. She looked up at him, there was a sweet smile on his face. Lightly, she rested her head in his shoulder, he entwined his tail with hers.

"And I love you, that's why I came after you. I need you Hawksoul, and not just because of the prophecy" she said. He nodded.

"I know. Let's get back, I promised Jay I would teach him how to hunt" he said chuckling. Lightningfrost smiled.

"It's nice to see you made a friend" she said standing up. The two cats stood up and began to walk back towards Rivers camp.

"By the way, I wasn't going to just leave you like that. I was going to track you down one way or another" the tom said. Lightningfrost licked his cheek affectionately. His ears burned red and began to purr loudly. She let out a small mew of laughter.

When the two cats arrived they were greeted by three puzzled kits.

"Why did you run away?"

"Did we scare you?"

She hushed them with her tail. The kits all sat there.

"Look, Hawksoul is going to teach you some hunting moves. Go on now" she said, shooing them away with her paw. The kits scampered off to Hawksoul. River awkwardly smiled at her. Hesitantly Lightningfrost stalked over to her.

The two she-cats sat there awkwardly in silence before River spoke.

"Lightningfrost I'm sorry, me and Hawksoul were only talking. I would never take him away from you. I can tell how much you love each other" River said quickly. Lightningfrost gave her a dry look, River timidly sat there waiting for her reply which she didn't, River started to talk again.
"I'm still in love with the father of my kits"

"If you want to join my clan, we leave tomorrow" Lightningfrost said. Rivers eyes widened with shock.

"Really?! You mean we can come with you?!" River gasped. Lightningfrost gave her a small smile.

"Of course, I need strong warriors. How old are they now?" Lightningfrost asked, gesturing to the kits with her tail.

"5 moons" River said proudly. Lightningfrost nodded.

"Mama! Mama! I caught a mouse!" Jay squeaked bounding up River with a baby mouse in his jaws. River blue eyes glistened with pride.

"Well done! Now give it the killing bite!" River instructed. Jay threw the tiny mouse into the air and caught it, clamping his jaws shut killing the mouse. Jay put he mouse down.

"Lightningfrost, you should have seen River! She fought off a rouge yesterday!" Jay shouted in awe at his mother. Rivers ears burned red.

"It was nothing, I was just protecting you three" she said licking the top of Jays head, he pushed her away with his paw.

"We can fight for ourselves" he puffed out his chest. Lightningfrost chuckled at the small kit. She looked up to the sky, the sun was still rising. Lightningfrost needed to get back to the clans, fast.

"River I think it's best that we leave for OceanClan, we need to get back to the clans" Lightningfrost instructed turning to the she-cat. Rivers eyes widened, she wrapped her tail around Jay and pulled him into her.

"Now? Are you sure they will welcome us?" She said timidly. Hawksoul walked towards them with Feather and Crow close to his tail.

"Well they will have to, we need to pass through there" he said. Lightningfrost nodded in agreement, River looked hesitant.

"Why are we going to the clans?" Crow asked. The little tom looked up at the three adult cats.

"We are going to join Lightningfrost's clan and become warriors" River said softly. Crow narrowed his eyes.

"What's a warrior?" Feather then asked. Hawksoul chuckled.

"Warriors are cats who serve under the warrior code, they hunt and protect their clan against other clans and other forest animals" Lightningfrost explained.

"I want to be a warrior!" Jay squeaked, River laughed as her kit began to stalk his sister.

"You will have to be an apprentice first, you will be trained by a warrior of the clan. Once you complete your test you get your warrior name" Hawksoul then said. The three kits looked confused.

"Warrior name?" The kits questioned confused. Lightningfrost sighed.

"My kit name was Lightningkit, I then became a paw when I was an apprentice, I was Lightningpaw, when I finished my training I got my warrior name, Lightningfrost" she answered trying to keep calm, she couldn't handle so many questions all at once.

"So what will we be?" Feather asked. Hawksoul lightly rested his tail on her shoulder.

"You'll be Featherpaw" he answered, her eyes widened in excitement. Her fur bristled in excitement.

"River I want to get my warrior name!" She squealed, her brothers were just as excited as her. River looked to Hawksoul then to Lightningfrost.

"We better get going then" River said softly. Lightningfrost turned to Hawksoul who nodded, the six young cats set off to OceanClan.


Sorry for the short update, I'm in work experience so can't really update -_-

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Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora