Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

A yowl woke Nighthawk up, her eyes slowly flickered opened. Warriors put their heads up.

"What in StarClan?" Adderfang mumbled. Is then clan under attack? She sprinted out of the den to see Lakepool in the middle of the clearing. She yowl as her belly went into a spasm. Water and blood stained the golden sand.

"Beetletail! Lakepool is kitting!" Nighthawk yelled in panic. She rushed over to the patched warrior. Beetletail rushed out of the den with mouthfuls of herbs. Dirtpelt rushed to Lakepools side.

"She can't have kits now! She not expecting them for another few moons!" Dirtpelt rushed sitting next to her. Lakepool let out another screech. Nighthawk found a thick stick and gave it to her to bite down her. Beetletail nodded his thanks. The medicine cat placed his paws of her belly.

"Breath nice and slow... Now push!" He yelled. Lakepool did so and a white bundle of fur slide out.

"What's going on?!" Honeystar yelled from her den, jumping down from the high rock.

"Lakepool is kitting!" Frogleap shouted. Honeystar rushed down to Lakepool. Dirtpelt went over to his first kit. Beetletail sighed.

"She's dead" he whispered. Dirtpelts eyes widened in shock. Lakepool went into another spasm. A white kit with black paws fell out. Nighthawk nipped the sac. The kit mewed in hunger. Nighthawk smiled at Dirtpelt.

"She's alive" she purred picking the kit up and putting it at Lakepools belly. Lakepool smiled down at her but yelled in pain louder then she had before.

"Your doing very well Lakepool" Beetletail said. This time she gave birth to a solid grey tom with a white chest, Beetletail nipped its sac and put him to her belly.

"I... Can't... Go.. On..." Lakepoll huffed. She was pale. He breathing slow and deep. Her eyes droopy.

"Of course you can" Dirtpelt said. Lakepool screeched at the last kit was born, she was dead. Lakepool cried in grief at her dead kits.

"The... White.. Kit.. Is... Frostkit" she breathed. Dirtpelt purred. Lakepool slumped on her side in pain and grief.

"That's a lovely name" he said happily. Lakepool let out shallow breaths.

"Dirtpelt... StarClan is calling" she rasped. His brown eyes were wide, he moved closer to her. Oh StarClan don't let her die!

"No! Don't say that!" He cried. Lakepool smiled.

"You can be with Nighthawk now" she smiled weakly. Her dull blue eyes flickered to the black warrior.

"No! I love you!" He whined, "don't go" he whispered.

"I love you, goodbye my love." She said. Her head slumped down. She let out one last breath. Dirtpelt wailed at his dead mate. Nighthawk let a tear roll down her cheek. The kit mewed for milk but got none.

"Sandyshore, can the kits have your milk?" Honeystar mumbled. Sandyshore nodded and walked into the nursery.

"What's the other kit called?" Frogleap whispered to Dirtpelt. Tears poured from the toms brown eyes.

"Waterkit, he shall be called Waterkit. Lakepool loved water more then anything" he sobbed. Beetletail picked up the kits and took them to Sandyshore. Rain started to pour down from the night sky. Dirtpelt crouched ridged at his mates side.

"We shall sit the vigil for Lakepool now!" Honeystar bellowed. Nighthawk hung her head.

"Thistlehawk should be here!" Nighthawk shouted. Honeystar whipped her head around.

"What did you say?" Honeystar questioned. Water drops stained her honey pelt making it a deep brown.

"Thistlehawk should be here, it was his sister" she growled. Honeystar snarled and dipped her head.

"Go and get him then" she snarled. Dirtpelt hissed and turned back to is dead mate

Nighthawk bounded through the forest as fast as her paws would let her. Rain went into her eyes making it harder to see. She came to the DarkClan border and sprinted across it. Soon she came the the DarkClan camp. She bounded trough the tunnel.

"Intruder!" Flamespark hissed, his ginger fur stood on end. Cats bounded out of their dens and hissed. Shadestar leapt out of his den

"What's going on?!" He shouted. His green gaze drifted around the camp.

"Nighthawk is here!" Smokestorm shouted. Shadestar growled and glared at her, his black tail lashing.

"What is it you want?" He asked.

"I need to speak to Thistlehawk!" She shouted, she couldn't catch her breath. Cat murmured to each other. Thistlehawk pushed his way in front of all the cats.

"You can speak in my den" Shadestar growled turning away and walking into his den. Nighthawk knew not to argue with him. She sighed and followed him.

His den was rocks piled on top one another, vines and moss hung on them. Thistlehawk followed. The two toms sat down.

"Its Lakepool" she puffed.

"What about her?" Thistlehawk asked

"She died while kitting, you should sit-" Nighthawk didn't have time to finish, Thistlehawk ran out of the den. Nighthawk chased after him. They charged through the forest.

They charged through the StreamClan entrance. Thistlehawk leapt at Dirtpelt. The two toms wrestled on the ground. Nighthawk rushed over to them with Frogleap to get Thistlehawk off the StreamClan warrior.

"You killed her!" He shouted in rage as he got pulled off. Dirtpelt staggered to his paws.

"I didn't kill her! I love her!" He snarled

"She died kitting your kits!" He spat. Dirtpelt growled.

"Let's just sit the vigil! Lakepool wouldn't want this!" Nighthawk shouted. The two toms seemed to have calmed down. Nighthawk laided down at Lakepools dead body. The dead warriors cold fur sent shivers down Nighthawks spine.

"You fought like a warrior, you died a mother. StarClan take care of her" Honeystar said and with that, all the warriors laid down at her side to sit the vigil.



Lakepools song is Remember When by Avril Lavigne

Its like her life story song.

RIP Lakepool

Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora