Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Lightningfrost stalked through the night, she was determined to get the kittypet back for sending them into a trap. They followed her scent trail through the twoleg gardens. Hawksoul tensed up beside her with anger, his muscles ripperling through his brown tabby pelt.

"How are you going to get her back?" He growled. She glanced at him.

"Let's put it like this, she won't be walking for a while" Lightningfrost snarled unsheathing her claws. Hawksoul grinned. She tasted the air and caught the kitty pets scent over a twoleg fence. She flicked her tail to show Hawksoul that she had found her. The DarkClan warrior bunched up her muscles and jumped on top of the fence. Hawksoul jumped up behind her.

"What if her twoleg is in?" Hawksoul asked peering into the twoleg nest. Lightningfrost narrowed her blue eyes.

"We wait" she said jumping down into the twolegs garden. The two warriors sneaked into a bush. They crouched down, their fur brushing. She glanced at him and edged away. Then they noticed a brown tabby tom with a blue collar jump into the garden. The warriors held the breath as he passed, not far from their hiding place. He walked into a small flap on the twoleg den.

"There are two kittypet's, what's the plan down?" Hawksoul whispered.

"You can take out him, I will get Shelly" she answered.

They continued to wait, then the light in the nest went off. A monster roared outside the front of the nest. The twoleg had gone. She flicked her ear for him to follow. The two cats stalked towards the den and into the cat flap.

The nest was warm, the floor was slippery and shiny, it felt weird on her pads. She then spotted Shelly sleeping on a black twoleg thing. She bunched her muscles and leapt at the she-cat. She pinned her down and dug her claws into her white shoulders. The kittypets eyes were wide with fear.

"Y-you!" She sputtered. A screech went off and Hawksoul pinned the other kittypet down.

"You tried to get us killed!" Lightningfrost hissed digging her claws deeper into her shoulders. Shelly grinned.

"You have no purpose here!" Shelly snarled pushing Lightningfrost off. Lightningfrost fell off the sofa, and landed on her back. She let out a hiss of frustration. Shelly leapt over the sofa, her claws unsheathed. Lightningfrost widened her eyes. As Shelly leapt on her Lightningfrost grasped her shoulders and flipped her backwards. Shelly slide on her face. Lightningfrost ran over to her and clamped down on her back leg. Shelly let out a shriek as blood poured out of her leg. Then Lightningfrost felt a crunch and her leg broke. Tears of pain streaked down Shellys face. Lightningfrost got her claws and raked then across Shellys pelt, deep gashes were left. Blood stained the floor and her claws.

"Toby! Get help!" Shelly screamed. Toby tried to escape but Hawksoul hit the tom around the face with his claws unsheathed, Tobys head hit the floor with such force he was almost knocked out. Lightningfrost the scratched her muzzle with her long claws. Shelly yowled in pain, the kittypet was so weak she couldn't raise her paw.

"Lightningfrost that's enough" Hawksoul said. Lightningfrost didn't want to stop, she wanted to kill the tortoiseshell she-cat. Then lighted boomed all round them, it was then she saw the blood and the state Shelly was in. Her pelt was mattered with blood and gashes, her back leg was twisted at a awkward angle. The twoleg had not noticed them yet. Hawksoul darted out of the nest, with Lightningfrost close on his heels. Then the worried yells of the twoleg filled the night sky.

"You didn't need to break her leg" Hawksoul snarled, flexing his muscles. Lightningfrost snapped around and glared at him.

"She shouldn't have tried to kill us! If you care for her so much be her mate!" She snarled through gritted teeth. She bounded out of the twolegs garden into the forest. Anger burned through her, Shelly deserved it. Why was he defending her?

"Lightningfrost wait!" Hawksoul called, she ignored him but he charged up to her.

"What way to OceanClan?" She growled. Hawksoul smiled down at her.

"I will tell you at sunrise" he said walking over to a blackberry bush. Lightningfrost followed, he went under it. Under it was thick roots hanging over their heads. She curled up in a ball, Hawksoul was behind her. He groomed the back of her pelt to try and clam her down but it wasn't working


She woke up to a cool morning, Hawksoul entered the den carrying and squirrel. She shook the sleep from her eyes.

"Thanks" she mumbled looking up at him. He gave her a sweet smile.

"Be quick I found a scent leading to OceanClan!" He said bouncing up and down happily. She smiled and ate her fill. Hawksoul sat outside of the den waiting for her. She crawled out of the den. The sky was grey, the sun light tried to creep through.

"Where is it?" She asked. He smiled and ran off, she followed close behind. They continued to run through the forest. Soon the forest vanished. The sound of waves replaced the sweet songs of the birds. Hawksoul turned and smiled at her.

"Welcome to the ocean"

Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz