Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

She sat and watched the flame pelted tom. He had been keeping his distance from her as much as he could, he wouldn't go on patrols with her or sleep in the same den as her. She sat crouched on a rock, watching his every move. Even the slight twitch of his whiskers she took in. She had been in OceanClan longer then she wanted. Vineheart was still weak and avoided her questions. Lightningfrost had even been doing her part around the clan to pass the time. She had defended the clan from dogs, hunted and even helped Cherrypaw. Her and the medicine cat apprentice had been getting closer every day. She had been her only friend in the clan apart from Hawksoul. Lightningfrost had even learned how to hunt like a OceanClan cat by diving into the water and catching crabs and fish. Her pads were now thicker and her claws stronger and sharper from the rocks.

"You know the longer you stare at him the more your creeping the clan out" a voice chuckled. Lightningfrost turned and glanced at Cherrypaw. Her white pelt and ginger patches glinting in the sun. Lightningfrost paused.

"No cat told me he was here, you should have" she said coldly. Cherrypaw sighed.

"We had know idea" she sighed. Lightningfrost snorted and lashed her tail.

"Have you just come here to tell me that?" She growled scraping her claws on the rock.

"No, I'm going to be made a full medicine cat at moon high!" She squeaked. Lightningfrost felt bad for snapping at her friend. She nodded.

"Congratulations, how is Vineheart?" She said quickly sitting up and stretching her back limbs as they had seemed to have cramped up. Cherrypaw shook her white and ginger head.

"Still weak, Berrybush has just checked up on her" Cherrypaw relied. Lightningfrost let out a low growl. Things seemed to be going downhill since she found out the ginger tom was in the clan and Vineheart still wasn't well enough.

"Lightningfrost! Firesoul!" Sandfur called. Lightningfrost tried to fight back a snarl and jumped off the rock and bounded over to Sandfur. The tom sat there waiting for them. Lightningfrost sat down in front of him, Firesoul sat a little further away. The ginger tom let out a low growl. Lightningfrost rolled her eyes.

"How can I help?" Lightningfrost said slowly. Sandfur raised a blue eye at her and turned to Firesoul.

"You need to put your differences behind you, you're now in the same clan so try to get along" Sandfur said. Lightningfrost felt a tinge of embarrassment go through her pelt, she quickly pushed the feeling aside. She felt like she was a kit getting scolded by an elder.

"How can I? She killed my brother!" Firesoul spat. Lightningfrost sat the calmly, letting out slow sighing.

"Anyway, Firesoul I want you to join Swiftbreezes patrol" Sandfur instructed. The tom narrowed his eyes at his deputy and his nostrils flared, he turned and stalked off. Lightningfrost admired Sandfurs patience, she knew he would make a fine leader. She dipped her head and headed for the camps exit.

She swam through the pool of blue, clear water. It warmed her pelt and soothed her pads. She padded onto the rocky shore. Lightningfrost bounded along the sand, the wind was strong but it helped cool her down in the burning sun. She noticed some large silver rocks. She bounded over to them, lumps of sand clung to her paws and pelt. She leapt on the rocks. The warmth of the rocks warmed her pads. She laid down in a dip in one of the rocks. The fresh breeze cooled her down. She flexed her claws on the rocks. She closed her eyes and let the waves ease her off into a sleep.

Her dream were filled with darkness and a approaching battles. A screeching of a raven filled a forest, frost covered the floor throughout territory's. Fire burned, and tried to melt the frost but the frost was stronger. Hawks flew gracefully down on to twisted, lifeless tree branches and screeched. A mother yowled as she gave birth, the sound of a falling cliff wasn't far off.

Lightningfrosts eyes snapped open. Her heart bounding against her chest. She wildly looked around and staggered to her paws. She was still by the ocean. All seemed calm. Gulls bobbed in the calm blue waves, it all seemed to normal. The dream still thrived in her mind, what did it all mean? Was it what will happen later on in the future?

"Lightningfrost!" An excited voice shrieked. She gasped in fright, she turned to see Hawksoul. The brown tabby tom almost scarred her out of her fur.

"Don't do that!" She hissed. His expression didn't change, his excitement made her curious.

"Sorry but this couldn't wait, Vineheart says she will give us answers!" Hawksoul burst out. She pushed her thoughts aside and raced back to OceanClan with Hawksoul. They were finally going to the Mountain Of Secrets.


Sorry for a short update been so busy

And guys DON'T give hate to Frostfire55, she is in my book as Frostkit and has done her own book with my cats in it, if any of you have a problem with that talk about it to ME!

Please vote and comment then I will try and update faster!

Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now