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"Okay, Sigma. You ready?" I ask my fellow black soul.

Sigma nodded.

We entered the forest, but with caution, of course. You never know what this forest has to offer.


Sigma quickly became alerted because of me stepping on the twig.

"Relax, Sigma. It's just twig."

Sigma reluctantly go back to my side, he feels like there's something that this forest is hiding.

We continued on our way, trying to find some... FREE XP, but I couldn't find any... weird.

"You know, this is getting weird. No birds appeared ever since we entered this place. Are you sure you pick the right place, Sigma?" I asked.

Sigma wrote something on the ground.

It said: Yes, I pick the right place.

"Maybe that book is wrong? Who knows."

I was about to continue my walk, when all of a sudden, something pierce Sigma's right hand.


My right hand also starts to bleed. 

I guess whatever happens to Sigma happens to me, and vice versa.

I quickly hide on one of the trees.

"Sigma, track down the attacker." I whispered to him.

Sigma nodded.

Sigma started to turn into a shadow on the floor and crawl its way to wherever the attacker who shot my right hand.


The attacker keeps shooting on the tree that I was hiding, but it was useless.

'Found you.' I thought.

Looks like Sigma found the attacker.

"Haaa!!!" The attacker screamed.

He was suddenly dragged on the floor towards to my direction.

It was a boy with a casual clothes and a brown hair.

"So you're the one who is attacking me, huh?"

"Die, Cephas!" 

He aimed his sniper at me, but Sigma cut both of these hands, immobilizing him even further.

"Haaaa!!! You cut my hands!!!" He screamed in pain.

I approach him and ask him who sent him to attack me.

"I don't know, man. The higher ups just suddenly give their order to us gangsters."


Hmm... it's the mafia. And I bet that Yonders got something to do with this. 

"I know who you are, pal. So tell me... who told Yonders about me?"

The guy's eye widened at that.

"H-How did you know Yonders?!"

"Oh, I know him. Because I met him some time ago."

The attacker is sweating right now.

"Let me ask you this again..." Sigma stab his right leg, which in turn made him scream in pain. "Who told Yonders about me?"

"I-I don't know! It's classified!"

I was disappointed.

"Then..." I look at Sigma and he nodded, knowing what we're going to do. "...die."

18TH STAR CONSTELLATION: [ ̶H̶]ATE/BLACK SOUL [FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now