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I checked the sentry station. It has a sigma symbol on top of it. Maybe this belongs to Sephas?

*Ribbit, ribbit. (A horrendous station. At least it has a cool symbol on front of it.)

Agreed, imagination frog friend. Agreed.

Random Monster: You there! You're dead!



sephas pov

i saw the kid encountered a monster, and that's one of my audience who listens to my pun, albeit, he's not laughing when hears my pun.

oh. the kid is done and spared them. at least this one isn't a genocidal one. lord knows how many hours or even years trying to stop them. this timeline is new, though.

i'll just stay and watch the kid... idk their age. maybe 12 or 13?

Frolic POV

Ah, yes, the snow... what?

*Ribbit. (Not a poem or anything?)

Screw you! I just said that the snow is cold.

*Ribbit, ribbit. (You just said snow, though.)


I keep on walking, then I saw a chest in the middle of the path. Ooh, must be treasures or something.

I opened it and I was blinded because something hit my eye.

AAAAA!!! My eye!

*Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. (You know, opening random chests in the middle of nowhere is literally a bad idea... and you're not listening, are you?)

My eye!!!

sephas pov

oh yeah, when i said watch, i meant pranking the hell out of her... yeah boi!

Frolic POV

*Ribbit. (Two hours later or something.)

My damn eye... it hurts. What is that anyway?

*Ribbit, ribbit. (I think it's gravy.)

Still hurts, though. And now, my perception is disoriented to the point I can see the world spinning.

*Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. (Just go straight.)


I hit my head.

*Ribbit. (Umm, oops?)

This is the last time I'm trusting you.

*Ribbit. (Ribbit.)

You don't need to ribbit since, you know, language barrier and stuff.

*Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. (Whatever.)

We continue on our journey to... that town over there.

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