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It was Saturday today, and I'm eating my food, lumpia. NOM!


I don't have anything to today so I am chilling in my house.

But then, my father decided to ruined my rest day.

BAM! The door was slammed open, and my father entered the room.

"Oi, brat! Instead of lazing around like a garbage, why don't you get a job." My father said. 

And I was like: ('_') 

Seriously, I'm only 8 years old, but then again, I'm smart, and I think my parents know that.

"But... it's Saturday." I said with a tired voice. 'At least let me finish my favorite food.'

"No buts! Now get out of here!" BAM! My father slammed the door again, only this time, he closed it.

I'm not going to move.

BAM! Then the door was slammed open again. "If you don't move now... *Load shotgun shells into the shotgun weapon* ...this will happen to you." 

Okay then, odd job it is.

I get out from my room and into the outside world, which is the Ebott city, I think that's what it's called.

And then, the problem hit me like a truck. "How am I supposed to find a... ODD job?" Good question, me.

"You know what, I'm going to explore (Re-explore) the city so I know where I am going." It has been ages since I went to the city and do stuff over there.


I was walking for about 40 minutes, when all of sudden, I found this shop. It's called, "Barrington's Cake shop"

Me: (I_I)

And then I saw the paper, which is glued to one of the windows of the shop.

I look at the paper.

""Help Wanted", it says." I said.

Well, looks like I found my odd job at least.

I entered the shop so I can meet the manager here.

TRING-TRING! The doorbells made a sound.

There was no customers here, probably because it's not open yet... then why is the door unlocked though?

"Oh! A customer. How may I help, sir?" A voice said.

I found where the voice originated, it's behind the counter.

I approach the counter so I can talk to the manager.

"Uh, yeah, can I talk to your manager? I want to have a job here."

This guy is pretty the normal/average guy that you can find at the streets.

"I am the manager, sir." He said. Also, that's good to know. 

"So you're talking about the "Help Wanted" poster outside the shop, right?"

I nodded.

"Then you're in luck. My last worker here just suddenly vanished two days ago." He started.

"Yeah, sure. When can I start the job?" I said, cutting him off. I don't want to know what backstory about his last worker here.

"You can start now if you want to." He said with cheerful voice, which only fuels my... HATRED against reality. I mean, how can you be so happy in this god awful world?

18TH STAR CONSTELLATION: [ ̶H̶]ATE/BLACK SOUL [FOUR]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt