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Muffet: Well? Since you're just a child, I'll give you the first move.

*Ribbit. (Spare or... FIGHT. Choose wisely.)

Of course I choose spare.

*Ribbit, ribbit. (You pressed spare.)

Muffet: ...

Muffet launched a tiny spider projectiles at you with the base attack being the web on all sides of the battle box. You keep dodging by moving away from the tiny spider projectiles.

*Ribbit. (You pressed spare.)

Muffet: ...What are you even doing, deary~? Why aren't you attacking?

*Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. (You said, "I don't want to hurt anyone.")

Muffet: If you don't fight back, then you're just going to get killed out there.

*Ribbit. (You said, "If won't let me out, then I'm going to use my special attack!")

Muffet: Oh? Show me then.

*Ribbit, ribbit. (You said, "You leave me no choice, spider milf. You bought this upon yourself." You pressed the button called... Flirt? What the hell?!)

Muffet: Oh my~... never you knew you're that type of person, deary. Milf? Me?

*Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. (You said, "I web you, spider milf.")

Muffet: Flirting is probably an option, but you won't survive out there.

Hmm, this isn't working. Maybe there's something that can let me through.

Meh, I'm hungry. I'm going to eat this pie donut first.

Muffet: *Gasp* You ate the pie donut... fine. Since you love my food, I'll let you leave, deary. But stay safe, okay?

*Ribbit. (You said, "You got it, spider milf.")

Muffet: Hehehe~. Bye now~.

Muffet grab the cobweb next to her, then pulled herself up to who knows where.

Alright, time to leave this place. I already flirted with all the monsters here.

I walked to the corridor and there's this huge space.

Nius appeared on the light area of this huge room.

Nius: U-Umm, sorry f-for leaving you t-there.

*Ribbit. (You said, "It's okay. I'm glad to see you again, though")

Nius: T-Thanks. You c-can proceed to t-the next area, which is c-called Snowdin.

Snowdin, huh? Sounds like a Christmas place to me. Think of all the love chocolate for Christmas.

Nius: A-Anyways, see y-you.

Nius disappeared through the ground and I finally proceed to exit this place.






By Cephas


18TH STAR CONSTELLATION: [ ̶H̶]ATE/BLACK SOUL [FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now