Chapter 38: Déjà vu

Start from the beginning

A few corridors later we arrived at her office.

It was the first I was coming here. If I had business, I always went to the previous alpha's office. What I was saying that it was the first time coming here for me.

The room wasn't as spacious as the other office but it could still hold a dozen people without feeling compressed.

Both lateral walls were shelves filled with ancient books. It was a nice view. The front reflected the black of the night with its windows. The desk was placed against the left corner, at the bottom of the room, facing the right wall with a long couch against it, and not to forget the glass table near it.

It was really cute.

Plants were everywhere, putting some green to a room full of brown shades.

The girl sat on the couch, so did I, and Jess started.

"Mom, what is said here, will stay here. Understood."

The luna nodded, normally talkative as if she knew how important the matter was. Jess took her hand and never broke contact.

"Mom, something's weird with Serah's family. They are not common human. Her mom knew about us, they have silver weapons, mom silver!"

The shock on Jess never overtook her mom. She remained calm as if it was normal. She then looked at me.

"Serah, you guys are from a family of hunters right. These weapons were not ordinary, they maybe never told you."

What she said made sense but we're missing something and I know it. There was something strange about us all.

"That was what I thought first but it's complicated I mean, once Jessica met my uncle and she told me that he wasn't human or something. And it wasn't that only, my childhood friend was a werewolf, and I never knew till Jess said out loud that he smelt like a wolf. Many things were strange, if we were hunter why would my mom be terrified to let know everything about your species, let alone we never hunted you."

For once, the luna listened carefully without interrupting. She was deep in her thoughts.

"Anyway, tell me, from which clan are you?"

She spoke English but her words sounded foreign to me.


I repeated the word not knowing its meaning.

She sighed and gestured her head left and right in a no sign.

"Tell me your full name?"

So that was it, I felt shy, I should have understood the first time she asked.

 "Silverknight. Serah Silverknight."

My voice came loud and proud without me knowing. It wasn't my voice that bothered me but that was the look the luna was giving.

She was astonished as if I pronounced words I should have. I was next to Jess so she came closer, closing the gaps between their laps. She scrutinized my face and cupped it with her delicate hands.

She dived in my eyes, examining my every trait.


It was the only words she said. What did she mean?

"What do you mean?"

Jessica said echoing my thoughts. Her eyes darted between us to catch what she missed. Her mom never cared to answer as she elevated herself on the couch and walk on the glass table before getting back on the floor.

We on the other were more polite to the furniture and circled the table to go towards a luna who was messing up her shelves.


Jess was getting impatient, she didn't understand a thing and I couldn't help her for facts. The books were pilling up on the floor almost concealing her view from us.

Thus, her only guide was her voice.

"It's impossible. Don't you have a twin?"

The question was absurd. I was an only child and I would have known if I had one. I came in closer to answer her.


She turned around, utterly surprised. This woman breathed confusion and it was contagious.

"Your mom, does she have a twin?"

Things start to take place in my head.


My answers didn't seem to help and she didn't found what she was looking for. The luna sat on her chair looking exhausted and lost.

"Serah, for now, let's keep this between us. I'm not sure and I won't find a thing in this pack. Although, as the luna of Red Crescent, I order you Serah Silverknight to never break the boundaries of our pack. Until I say otherwise."

What the hell was happening. Did she order me to stay within her territory like a prisoner?

I didn't like it. 

It feels like a déjà vu. 

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