Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness

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Serah POV

"I told you to get cleaned!! Not indulge yourself with that young alpha!"

What?! Where was that coming from?

"The link, my squirrel."

"Uncle! How can you do that?"

"I'll teach you now if you want but you have to find me at that alpha blooded wolf."

"At Jay's?"

"No, the head guard from Ice Moon."

"At Kamil's?! Do you know him too, he was of great help my whole stay here- Wait. Allo, allo? Was I talking alone right here?"

He was infuriating, there wasn't a single time where he took me seriously. I sighed and dropped my head down staring at the flowing water getting out through the floor drain. If only my thoughts and feelings could be flushed away like water.

I messed up again, I knew what I was in for but there was nothing I could do about it.

It should be over, Jay was a walking red flag and because of that undeniable pull, I had been constantly going back to him.

Mostly for physical attention.

That fool was right, my body was screaming with all its might to have him closer. He had been putting in efforts but I'd be a laughable fool to take back a guy who'd rather side with his ex without explanation, plus he did hit me.

How was his case savable?

Neither my pride nor my self respect would accept a guy like him.

A few drops were stuck on my lashes and the end of my hair and some traveled my body like a small stream. Watching the liquid being so versatile made some peace in my chaotic mind.

The water stopped and I already missed the soothing sound it procured. Now, with those heightened senses, I could feel him so close. Close enough to make those wrong decisions again.

What was the probability that I'd forget my towel when going for a shower? Damn, we didn't need a second round, though Jay wouldn't agree.

"Jay, I need a towel."

The mind link was still a foreign tool for me but it was useful, like when I didn't want to call out my voice, as my throat was already strained as it was.

The answer didn't reach my mind but my ears were out and could tell that he was on it. The ruffling of fabric, the steps getting louder, or his scent driving me crazy by the second.

The door gently creaked and an arm appeared with a towel covering it.

I whispered a thank you and simply rolled it around the parts that needed hiding.

Jay wasn't far, I crossed over the room and reached for his drawer. His odor was sprayed over every fiber here present.

I tried to go with clothes he used the least so I wouldn't attract any more attention.

"Serah, I think we need to talk."

For once, his presence was masked by his overbearing scent and his voice had to draw all my focus back to him.

Moreover, I had to face the consequences right away.

"I'm listening."

"I know, we went around, talked a lot and we always had the same conversation over and over again but I can't let go. You are my mate and I can't let go of you."

I closed my eyes and tried to take a deep breath.

I elevated from my crouched position and faced him directly or more thruthful, I faced my real feelings.

"You're right, what I'm doing is not working, we can't be really apart nor sever our bond. However, how am I supposed to accept you after everything you said, you took her side without second thought, you slapped me. And because of that bond I still want you. I don't think it is fair to me, that I have no say in what I want when you've been nothing but unforgivable. And don't start apologizing because I can feel that you're sorry but I'm not ready to accept it. Now, I'm left with no choice but to be stuck with you, and there is this inexplicable need to be with you , so I'll try.

Us I mean, we'll try to find a solution but I don't even know where to start, we already had a start over."

I laughed bitterly at the thought of our first meeting but I pursued.

"My uncle knows now so there is no more hiding, let's not make anything official, let's simply try to have a cordial relationship and from time to time we'll succumb to the sexual tension. Anything more?"

He looked at me with pain coating each of his facial muscles. I was honest and still couldn't get over the fact that it wasn't fair to me.

Forgiving the unforgivable.

My heart was agonizing over the fact that my reason was overpowered by unwanted feelings.

He came to me and deposed a feather-like kiss on my exposed shoulder, with his retriever gaze he asked.

"Is it allowed?"

A faint smile appeared on my lips.

"We're mates at the end of the day."

The blue lit up and the soft kiss teleported to my forehead. Soon, he disappeared in the bathroom.


God, I deserved the fresh air hitting my flesh. My heated skin now could rest and my lungs could finally breathe in without poisoning my brain.

With my arms reaching for the sky, I elongated my whole body to stretch those stiff muscles.

Kamil's house was right ahead.

"I'm quite disappointed."

My heels did a 360 turn to face a grumpy lycan.

"Why again?"

He pinched my ear shamelessly. I tried to get away from his hold but there was nothing to do.

"Stop it already! Weren't to supposed to wait for me inside."

"So you could get away from the scolding?"

"I should be the one saying that, Can I now have the truth? You kept me all from all of this and you think I'll act rational?"

Finally, I was released from his evil antics. But he didn't look quite sorry.

"There is nothing more, you already know now. We'll just focus on the training, and I heard a guy is behind you so let's do our best!"

Could I kill someone immortal? I had been waiting so long to see my relatives to make them face their irresponsibility but what did I get? An irresponsible response.

The moon goddess whoever it was, she didn't have me in her heart.

"Eos, do I only deserve this? I think I should have a minimum of explanation here?"

The guy looked bored and annoyed. I was evidently offended. How could he? I should be the one reacting like.

"Serah, we don't have time for you to be acting like a kid, decisions have been made, they weren't the best but everyone did their best for you. When the real danger is taken care of, blame the entire world if you want, now I need you focused and reach a certain level of peacefulness."


Thank you guys for keeping up.

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