Chapter 62: Because of her

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Serah POV

"Kamil, do you see that?"

"Did you just open your mind link?"

Kamil couldn't properly digest the information that I cut him.

"That wolf over there with a kid on its back?"


Unconsciously, my breathing slowed and my vision sharpened . It couldn't be a mistake in this private passage were two intruders and they smelled awfully bad.

"I can see nothing Serah."

"Then how did you know there were intruders?"

Surprise was written all over my mind's voice, either because Kamil was not able to see or that I could.

"I hear them, one is extremely discreet and the other is making it obvious that he's a trespasser."

Kamil alted its tracks long ago, concentrating on the potential danger. Without any saying, I knew, I was to be his eyes.

"There's a kid asleep on top of that wolf."

The mind link was helpful but not seeing my locutor's face was foreign to my human habits. He, then, broke the silence.

"Any more information?"

"Nothing, the wolf didn't sense us. But maybe there are people from Ice Moon, aren't you the only one that knows about the passages?"

I asked, not understanding the situation. The wolf was clearly walking as if it owned the place and the peacefully asleep kid wasn't old enough to have shifted.

"It could have been but if they were above reproach, they wouldn't have masked their smell."

I was puzzled. How much did my senses improve? The whole was clearly confusing.

"I don't know how but they smell really bad."


Kamil's voice mirrored my initial reaction but again I didn't know.

"Please, don't ask."

"Whatever, if they smell bad, it could be rogues. If it's a parent and it's child, it won't be a problem but we can't overlook the fact that these narrow ducts have been made public."

"Do family members smell this differently? Both smell really bad but differently bad."

"Can you develop? Because if they are not parent and child, we can wait for the worst case scenario."

I didn't comprehend his worst case scenario but I guessed that he might have encountered a lot of these cases.

"The wolf reeks of garbage, like something ready to make you vomit, though the kid has anunusual scent, like medicine but it gives me goosebumps and my instinct is telling me to not get any closer."

His muscles tensed under his soft coat.

"Serah, tell me how far are they?"

Agitation was sipping through his words but it wasn't a task I was used to take on. Ten meters, hundred, a mile... My eyes couldn't measure the distance.

"The pack front door to Jay's office."

My pupils dilated as if they weren't alert enough. In the urgency, he was the first person to pop into my mind, that unforgivable bastard.
My trail of thoughts were invaded, bringing me back to the intruders.

"Hundred, hundred and fifty... So the rogue will detect us in a few. Before it happens, I will sprint towards them, you jump out to get the child and I'll mobilise the wolf."

She led me to him (Werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now