Chapter 55: Hidden Pack

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Serah POV

I looked over Kam sorry to slow us down but I was met with his back. His focus was on the five rogues encircling us.

How did it happen?


My eyes darted back and forth trying to find an escape between the enormous wolves. For the sake of my life, Kam came in between shielding me from direct confrontation.

But his frame could only contain the three wolves occupied and one slip past the violence.

I was still recuperating from the fall and I had no weapons on me. I had no chance against the animal.

My only chance was to break its neck but getting on top of it without getting injured was another challenge.

When I found a strategic path to finish the rogue I felt teeth sink into my side.

Pain traversed my body and I knew if I moved my ribs would snap in two. I was facing death with the disgusting being ready to pounce me. What should I do? My eyelids struggled to stay in place as if the battle I had on the front was not enough.

I heard a faint voice from a faraway place and I realized it was Kamil's voice shouting in the background.

I heard cries and shouts. It repeated the same words.

"Serah!! Serah!! Serah Silverknight, get up."

I didn't know what happened but when the snout of the rogue was millimeters from mine, I single-handedly strangled and snapped its neck. I could feel the seven bones crack through my palm.

If I didn't let go, his head would be in my hand at this moment.

My vision adapted quickly to the change, colors were a hundred times more vivid, I looked at my hands I felt the power coursing through the blue of my veins.

The rogue keeping me in place let his grip fall off and cowered in fear. But I didn't feel any satisfaction, nor fear, nor anything else that demanded emotions.

He was a nuisance and he had to disappear, my brain registered the situation in an extreme logicality, that it became perturbing. I wasn't myself. I drifted into a world that was foreign to my knowledge.

I didn't hate it but I couldn't say that I liked it either.

My moves were so swift and smooth that I didn't feel the velocity of my action raise.

The second was on the ground dead by whatever automatist movement I did. I now directed my focus on my dear friend and it seemed like they paused their feud to observe my newly gained capacity. He then realized that we were initially under attack and resumed his combat.

It wasn't hard for him to get rid of them so I didn't bother looking over at him. My body was free of its duty: survival.

My senses diminished and my vision once again returned blurrily. I saw Kam running towards me crying out my name but it didn't work a second time, this time, darkness hit my consciousness.


Kamil POV

No, no, no... It wasn't the time to fall asleep Serah, I could feel a bunch of rogues running towards the horrific odors.

I went to her, trying to shake her awake but there was nothing to do. She had already gone to a world pinker than this one, coated in heavy ready.

I lifted her no life-like body trying to find a way to save both of our asses. Mind linking was not working and finding our phone was out of the question as I had no time to look for it. We were seconds before getting trapped.

I had to find a secure place but I knew too well that I couldn't fight and protect her at the same time. I had to find a solution. But nothing came to mind.

I felt her shift into my arms and I knew it was my last chance.

Serah you have to wake up. Without thinking twice, I elongated my nails and pierced through her injury, and in a bolt of a moment, her eyes were open. Her amber twitched between gold and yellow, a familiar description my son would often tell us.

I didn't want to believe him at that time but it was way too obvious she was that girl.

Serah, it was her.

The girl whom my little cousin fell in love with. The girl he shouldn't have fallen in love with. I felt it, my kids felt it, the mystic bond between our blood.

She was a Silverknight and I was her guardian. The oath our ancestors took was inked in our genes. I knew who she was when she painted my garden red when I couldn't protect what was mine. The dormant faculty was triggered by Alan, Josh, and Briah.

She was our guiding light, my alpha blood will bow down to her race, the lycans.

In America, only Ice Moon was aware of the news. My ancestor was a lycan, one with no power, a human almost.

We had to get there and we had no time to lose.

Her eyes steadied, imitating the sun.

And I knew she was back into that frenzied zone. To my gladness, she didn't see me as an enemy but it also meant that she wasn't ready for the half-shifted beast I saw minutes ago. We had to get away.

"Serah, come back to me, we have to get out of here."

My words made their way to her but I knew her reception was slow. And we didn't have the privilege to lose any more seconds.

Her head visualized the area and before I could hurry her, she got out of my hold almost stumbling on her knees. Thanks to my arm she was still on her feet.

"Kam, we're near my back gate."

I wasn't registering the words but she added.

"Kam my house is near."

I couldn't be more confused than now. If there was a dwelling near I would have sensed it. At least her scent would have two sources. Nevertheless, I followed her but with her actual cadence, the rogues would stalk us to her residence.

"Serah you're sure it's here? I mean I don't sense anything apart from the freshness of the forest and the wicked smell of our pursuers."

She sighed slightly with the little strength that she still had.

"Kam, I lived here my whole life so believe me when I say we're near my home."

The problem is not my faith in her or her house. The problem was the rogues tailing close behind and we were minutes away from meeting them.

"Serah! hope in my hands and guide me, the rogues are coming."

With ease I took her in bridal style, she winced at the contact but we had to get out of here. She showed me around and after a few dances alongside the trees, I was finally standing in front of a gigantic gate.

We didn't have the time to admire the property as rogues tracked our scent easily. Serah put the code and the doors opened slowly with an absurd sound ready to kill whoever was too close to it. The plan was to let Serah inside and take care of all of them.

I followed her inside to put her somewhere safe and I was ready to dart out but the moment my feet hit her property, the rogues stopped moving. The formation became reckless and they started to go everywhere but to us.

The gate closed automatically as I was still shocked by their disorientation.

"What is this place?"

Serah struggled to stay awake but she responded.

"My home."

Her home, the home of the Silverknight.

I looked around and things started slowly to take place. We were on protected territory. A pack that tried to conceal their presence, a location no one knew.

It was here, the hidden pack of the last lycans.


Thank you guys for keeping up with me!!

I took a small break from Wattpad, I hope you wouldn't mind!!

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