Chapter 92: The hint

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Serah POV

"Serah, just answer me honestly; Do you blame me for something more specific right now? Please, I need to hear it."

It was at this moment that I knew that I didn't need to think or word out in my head, for him to know exactly what I was thinking.

And the thing was there was so much I would blame the Jay that I met for the first time that my heart couldn't differentiate him from the man that I fell for today.


Slowly, I prayed that he didn't notice, I started to calm my pulse and so the breathing followed.

My eyelids nicely wrapped my eye and my vision turned upside down. The exterior world was coated in black and I, for the first time, made an internal visit.

I couldn't describe any of my organs but I could feel each of the liquids in my body, how they flew, the pace...

And I was here, in touch with my heart and I ordonned the muscle to slow down, the oxygen traveling my body was no longer in a rush and the disorganized thoughts were back in order.

I went deep in my mind to only select the part I wanted to share with my mate and I pushed away all the memories from that horrendous cell.

The trauma always tried to break free, but this time, there weren't any other choices, I had to hide away all the negative feelings; at least for now.

Jay wasn't stable, he was piling up all those responsibilities since the disappearance of her sister which he still thought was his fault.

He had his shares of blame but not this.

Jess leaving their territory was destiny, she was the red rope that brought me exactly where I should be today, regardless of the damage it had caused for the people unwillingly tangled to my fate.

If we come up to this my sole existence had dozens of lives perturbed.

I should stop those internal thoughts, now, I will focus on the love I felt each time he would touch, each time he would sooth me, his presence was enough to calm me down and that was all that mattered in this instance.

All those great feelings grabbed me from whatever mood I was in and I opened my eyes.

I was met by his ravishing stormy eyes, slightly glazing but his round gaze softened to the feeling traveling through the mate bond.

I held his ogling, losing myself in the shades of blues his emotions were offering, the teal grey was fading to his usual ocean until he reciprocated the heart I was offering.

He brought me into another embrace with his shivering arms.

"Tell me Serah, I know what I felt and it was nothing near what you feel now, the bond never lies but right now I'm confused."

His broad back was hard to circle but he was worth the effort as the goosebumps tickled my sensitivity.

"Just remembered how awful of a being you used to be but I guess my feelings for you won't allow me to resent you for too long."

If only we could have been closer, then now, only the fabric of our clothes made a barrier to not let our body fusion together. The pressure was torturing, my ribs felt his upper body collide with force as if I'd get away if he left any room for a bit of space.

My lungs were emptying the little left of air from my system.

I tapped on his shoulder to surrender, and he took the cue.

My nose knew the assignment and refilled the oxygen tank.

"Serah, the mere thought of you resenting me was heart crushing. I wish, I mean I promise, that you are the one and only for me and it's not the bond talking but the simple human that Volker carries around."

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