Chapter 9: Last warmth

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Serah POV

4 Years later

"Girls!! Stop destroying my property now!! And-"

As if I'll listen to her crap, my mom was too much of a distraction. There was no way, I was dropping my undefeated title today.

Two hours already, sparring wasn't an easy game. Every game had it rules and ours was: The first one to knock the other out is the winner. We have been doing this since she was able to fight. Indeed, I always won. When I first found her, she was in a dreadful state but her healing ability is better than us humans so she got back on her feet pretty much easily.

When she asked asilum for four years, I was too schocked to respond. My mom came and accepted to keep her in when I was still digesting the request. Who would have thought that we,ll get trapped in this not so ordinary world.

However, I've never regretted having her in our lives, she was the sunshine of our household or the little sister, the bff whatever you name it. However, today marked her eighteenth birthday, forth year of her staying. It was time for her to go back where she belonged. That's why we have been training.

Concentration was a must, it was the key to win this fight. Indeed, it was getting harder lately, her improvement could be seen with every once of her move.

She was actually  in her wolf form and me, I could use any silver weapons against her. I didn't favor this method as it hurt her and left some scar that won't disappear any time soon.

Getting back into the fight, she dodged every single silver daggers I've thrown at her. Usually, at least one reach her; I see that she has gotten faster. Now she was trying to slam my head against the ground with her massive front paw, she was trying to steal my consciousness. As if I'm letting her get her way with me. She was aiming at my head in full speed but I sidestepped her attack. However she tried to knock me out with her back paws now; I scuffed internally, who does she think I am; I've already read her next move when she aimed at me earlier. I jumped back to escape the shock but fell back on a quite thick tree root that I didn't notice and by the way, made me trip.

F*ck!! When has she learned to use her environment at her advantage, it was one of her weakness: Forgetting her environment, but correction has been made. I didn't have time to get back on my feat that she was already hovering above me; I managed to hold back her front paws but our skulls collided pretty harshly. It eventually drove me into darkness.


I woke up on the living room sofa with a hell like headache;

"Finally awake"

Someone said with a mocking tone.

"Go away, I don't want to deal with your childishness."

I answered back with the remaining energy I had, even my own voice was hurting me by resonating in my head.

"Me childish?! Look at you; you preferred staying in your dream than facing reality. Well, it's understandable, who would wake up just to see theirself all weak and pathetic moreover without forgetting the fact that they lost- "

I cut her off by throwing the sofa pillow on her head, she picked it ready to throw it back but my mom just came in.

"Jessi! She just woke up, what did you intend to do?"

"She star-"

"Don't try to defend yourself!"


"There are no buts!"

When my mom left, I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore.

"Is this funny!? Well I found the fact that you lost funnier."

She then, gave me an evil smirk.

"Enjoy babygirl, it will be the first and last time that you'll win."

"Exactly what you said last time, why don't you try something new."

"Last time, I had no weapons!"


She left to the kitchen to rejoin my mom after muttering to herself. I then moved away from the sofa and followed her. I opened the door.

"Is there anything to eat?"

I gained my mom's attention and she answered:

"There are still left overs from her birthday meal."

I directed myself to the fridge to see what I could take and saw it; there were some cake left. I took a quite big share and sat at the table where my mom and jess were already seated and they both stared at me or my plate.

"Why didn't you take the whole cake while you were at it?"

Her playfulness will be her end, I shouldn't mind her.

"I wasn't that hungry."

They both stopped eating and stared at me and said in synchronisation:


"Anyway what time is it?"

I lost all track of time after being knocked out for the first time.

"02:30 pm"

My mom answered.

"We still have 30 minutes before heading out."

Emotions were dripping from her words. It took us a whole month to prepare this awaited journey (arrows, guns, daggers and a bag with her clothes). Jess, Zaphira and I,  made the perfect plan to lure out her mate. Zaphira told us that she could feel him yesterday night, she knew that he was from her pack because the bond was unusually stronger than she'd had expected. However, we'll encounter rogues on our way and we would ultimately have to split up; while she would have to gain time by fighting the rogues, I had to run to their boarder to get reinforcement. They'll think I'm just some human who got lost in the woods because there were no longer hunters threatening their spieces so they won't lunge at me with me with the intention to kill.

We finished eating so I went to wear appropriate clothes for this evening. When I got down, the scene before my eyes was heartbreaking. Indeed, seeing my mom and Jess crying, hugging and crying again was just not really bearable. I got closer to them.

"Don't worry mom, I'll take care of her till we arrive there."

I tried to rassure her as much as I could. She became one of us now.

"What the hell are you talking about I'm the one who's gonna take care of you!"

The tears in her eyes were nulifying her credibility.

"You wish!"

"I don't think so!"

"I'm the older one!"

"I'm the taller one!"

"Girls! Take a break for Christ sake"

My mom interupted us with a warmful hug; we obviously know that we won't have one any time soon. After some time, we eventully let go and I went outside with Jess. Then I asked:


"More than ready!"

"So let's get going."

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