"Y-you hate me?" Hinata fake stuttered he knew exactly which strings to pull on kuroos heart. "OMG NO SHOYO I DON'T HATE YOU I'M SO SORRY" kuroo hugged him tight. Hinata giggled and got off kuroo. "So you'll let me read it?" Hinata said with the eyes again. "Fine but only once, you owe me two favors now and I'll make sure I use them wisely" kuroo smirked. "Quit being a creep" hinata giggled.

        The room went silent except hinata and kuroo chuckling. "Y-you just insulted him...and he took it?" His momma asked nervous. "We always talk like this why?" She looked like she was about to explode. "You're our new son in law come here you're moving in tonight that's it" kuroos mom and suga couldn't help but laugh as his momma pulled them into a huge hug.

        They all got ready to leave. Kuroo hugged his moms goodbye and they made hinata hug them too. Hinata knew he had to tell suga about their deal somehow. Suddenly it hit him. "Oh suga umm so one of kuroos moms is a cop and so is his neighbor well when she saw your face she told me something." Hinata was about to lie through his teeth so he had to calm his nerves by holding sugas hand.

        "She said they were working on a case in our town with teenage son that looked like you. Maybe they're working on your case I mean you did say your dad had gotten violent at bars a few times right?" Hinata said as confidently as he could. "Y-you really think so? God mom would be so happy if dad were in jail" suga smiled wide at the new found hope."yeah well hey I also have some different news" he said sadly.

         Suga looked confused but hugged hinata. "T-they kind of want me to actually move in with them for a while because of kuroo but you can still stay at my house and you and kei can get closer" hinata smirked as he giggled. "Would you hush dork and I'll make sure to pay you back for any food I eat" suga said calmly. "What no don't be silly you're not supposed to be worrying about anything except volleyball" hinata smiled going back to hand holding with suga and kuroo.

         "And you mister alleycat you better not cause trouble while I'm there or I'll leave" hinata said sternly at kuroo. He quickly nodded and they walked a little more. "I can call ushi so we don't have to get on the bus he has his license and a car already" hinata smiled softly. They nodded and waited for ushijima to get there. "Are you oki?" Ushi instantly asked kuroo. "Yeah I'm fine thanks ushijima" kuroo smiled at him.

        They rode back to the camp in silence but not awkward. It was actually kind of comforting. Hinata ended up falling asleep on kuroos shoulder and suga was jamming out to music through headphones. They got back to the camp and woke hinata up. Everyone surrounded the group nervously. "Guys we're all fine chill" hinata chimed in. "Lets go play volleyball so I can wake up" hinata said as he dragged kuroo to the gym.

       They all played a few games before it was dinner time. Hinata quickly found terushima and sat next to him. "You've been avoiding me" hinata said sadly. It's true terushima felt guilty because it was his team member who caused all the drama. "S-sorry I just have a lot on my mind" he answered bluntly. "Stop beating yourself up you couldn't have known... its not your fault he was only here to torment me you weren't at fault here" hinata said tears welling up.

         Terushima hugged hinata. "I-i just wish I had known there wouldn't be an issue kuroo wouldn't have gotten hurt everyone wouldn't stare at my team like we're monsters" he was full out crying now. Hinata was getting more angry. "What do you mean teru-san?" He looked up at him. "T-they just stare at us no one even dared to play with us they all think were evil" teru was crying harder.

        Hinata stood up and found the coaches. "We're having a meeting right now im sorry for the chaos today but I have to talk to everyone" hinata bowed to them and they agreed. They sat in the feild and hinata pulled teru next to him. "NOW I'VE HEARD SOME PRETTY CRAPPY NEWS TODAY MOST OF WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF YOU TREATING THIS TEAM LIKE MONSTERS" hinata yelled. Teru tapped him on the shoulder and whispered, "karasuno were the only ones who didn't avoid us"

Hinata HaremWhere stories live. Discover now