Chapter Twenty Seven

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Amalia's POV


5 years ago...

As the car reaches an abrupt halt, I gasp out of my reverie. I scrutinise the building the car was stood in front of and just wondered what the fuck was going on?

I woke up this morning by mom, who ushered me out of bed and began ordering me to just get ready for the day. Next thing I realised was that I was in a car with both my parents in and so far, I did not like it.

"Mamá, ¿dónde estamos?"

I glanced over at her and furrowed my brows, she glazed at me with a bored expression before she left the car.

After a second, my father steps out of his car and reaches for my door. When he opened the door, he glared at me like how he always does.


Just as I stepped out of the car, dad grabbed my wrists and pulled me out. I yanked my arms away from him and glare back him, horrified as ever.

"¿Cual es tu problema?" I spat at him as I rub my sore wrists. Dad glared at me before he grabbed me once again. He gritted through his teeth and scowled.

"Cállate la boca. El problema es obvio, ¿no eres estúpida? Eres una carga para nosotros, ya no te queremos."

"Papá, ¡me estás lastimando! ¡Déjalo ir!"

Dad glared at me once more time before he dragged me in. I feel a burning sensation form at the pit of my staunch as I watch the back of my father's head and hear the heels of my mother's shoes knocking on the concrete floor. The feeling was chilling and nerve racking.

Dad always spoke to me like this, he was vocal about how he and his wife felt about me but if I was honest, I didn't give flying fuck. They fucked, had me and now have to deal with me.

However on the other hand, today just felt different. Today, felt like since they both were so unhappy about me in their presence, I felt like they're about to do something about it. My heart just knew it, I felt it in my system. I felt it in his glares and my mother's quietude.

I felt myself crumble apart when we walked further into the building and a familiar man came into sight. My heart was pounding but I remained quiet because I had no idea how to react. I don't know if it was the adrenaline that drove me into shock or the fact that I immediately understood what was about to happen. I no longer fought with my father as he practically dragged me inside, instead, I found myself walking in with them.

"Meet your husband, Thiago Ferraro. You are going to stay with him from today and onwards. Now go Ama, you're free to go."

As I watch the man in front of me, my throat collapsed. He stood in front of me with nothing on his face, like as if he also did preferred to be elsewhere but here. I've seen this man a couple of times throughout the last couple of years but never have spoken to him. I thought he was dad's friend, not my fùcking future husband.

The realisation settle upon me a moment later and I felt everything strike me simultaneously. I turned to my parents and dropped to my knees, as I found myself doing the last thing I thought I would ever do.

I begged and bawled to my parents.

And they just laughed.


Mornings were never my forte, especially when I had to wake up at six in the fùcking morning. Now, I was dealing with the consequences. I inhale in a deep breath as I tear my gaze away from the stove, since my stomach had been growling like a big baby bitch, I decided to make food for lunch.

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