Chapter Thirty Three

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️  you must be 18+ to read this chapter.

Jacobs banks - unholy war

Amalia's POV

"We're here bambolina."

I inhaled a deep breath when I begin to feel my body tensing on my seat because I expected the journey to be a little longer. Anyway, when I prepare to move, I scowl to myself because the sharp pain that followed was unexpected.

Following the accident, I've fractured my ribs and now, they were hurting like a bitch.

Disregarding the feeling, I glance out of the window and feel my chin slowly rise up as my eyes scrutinises the building that the car parked up in front of. The building was so tall, I still couldn't see the top even after I leaned forward a little.

We landed here in America not long ago and I can confirm that I do not fucking miss a single thing about it. The weather was cold and wet, nothing compared to Italy where it was scorching hot. There was a lot of people surrounding every corner, and it was the only reason why we were in a black tinted car with several other cars following behind us. People here were rich and fucking snobby, I liked nothing about that.

"Wait here, I'm going to help you out." Tony said and I snapped out of my reverie. I crane my neck over to him and watch him grab everything in his hand before he steps out of the car.

"My ribs are fùcked, not my legs. I can walk."

"I'm not going to tell you twice tigrotto, listen to me or you will regret it." Tony muttered under his breath before he stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut, causing my ears to feel a weird sensation.

"Pendejo." I scowled under my breath as I release the seat belt that was suffocating me for the last hour and reach for the door, however as I did, Tony had already opened the door and stood in front of my way to get out.

He reached for my hand and helped me get out of the car, as soon as I was on my feet, Tony hauled me in his arms and closed the door behind him. While he did, I began to scrutinise the building once again and this time, I was baffled. The huge building was so beautiful, it glistened in the dark sky. It had a diamond effect at the front of huge building, so whenever light hit it, it immediately reflected off it.

This building was so tall, I swear the tip of it disappeared into the dark clouds. It was so cold, condensation appeared in front of my face every time I exhaled out a breath. I was shivering as I gaze at the tall and gorgeous building. I wasn't used to this cold, it was always hot where I lived for the last five years of my life.

"Where are we?" I asked as my teeth chattered, goosebumps rises on my skin as the chilly breeze engulfed me as soon as I leave the car.

"We're at my penthouse." He says, "Let's get inside, you're going to catch a cold."

As we walk in, I scrutinise the interior of the building and I was beyond baffled. Everything about this place was beautiful, it was elegantly designed with tiles. This place was coloured in white, black, grey and brown and it definitely screamed Tony.

"I thought you said you lived in an estate, with your mafia family."

"I do." Tony checks in, in the reception before we walk towards the elevator. "But I also have this penthouse because I need my own privacy."

Tony steps to a side for me so I could get in the elevator first, I do after I glance at him. He stepped in after me and then pushed the bottom of the highest number on the panel.

TUO AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now