Chapter Four

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Tony's POV

"See this right there, that was our house in Siena. Madre kept that house so clean, there was not an ounce of dust on any surface or in any corner."

I smile softly as Thiago handed me a piece of old paper, the texture of it was rough under my fingers as I take it off him and gaze at it. My heart warmed at the sight of the house; it was so beautiful I wondered why we ever left it.

This was my childhood home but I did not remember a single thing.

"Hey! Talking about houses, will you tell me where you got the fat villa from?" I pipe as I place the picture down,

"Tony, Fratello, I don't know if you've heard but I am the mafia, I make money in a... unique way. You should join me, maybe one day you could buy your own villa near me."

"I don't need to use your ways to earn money, maybe I have my own." I reply and Thiago threw his gaze at me and I winked at him.

"Oh yeah? How is that? From Dante?" He quizzed, "I don't think that's necessary, you can throw his money away, I will help you."

I look away from him and look back at the picture in front of me; I didn't know what to say to him because I wasn't going to start doing things the way he does. He was a fucking mob that did fucked up things. I too was a mob but I was never like him.

"So... this villa, how long have you had it?" I ask,

"It's been ten years."

"And you live alone in this huge villa? You must get bored!"

Thiago smiled at me before he laughed, he stood up from his seat to get more vodka and when he came back, he shook his head.

"Actually, I don't. I live with my butlers and my trusted men." He continued, "And of course, my weapons and drugs."

Thiago burst out laughing as he returned back to his seat and I just laughed with him. It's been a few days, nearly a week since I've arrived in his villa and I've learn something new everyday. I've learned that although Thiago was known to be a dangerous mafia don, he was also a normal human with feelings because he showed me this gentle side, the one he claims he never lets anybody see but me. He said that he had a soft spot for me in his heart already which kind of surprised me.

How has he trusted me in a space of a few days?

Even though it's been a few days I couldn't help but feel my heart burn from being away from Dante and the family. It's a usual occurrence to see them everyday of my life but this sudden change had me struggling. I always had something to do regarding a job with the boys, it was fun and adventurous. I was not even allowed to communicate with them but I eventually understood. Thiago keeps me company anyway so I was semi fine.

"I've got you to share this villa with now, so I don't have to worry anymore." He smiled at me and in that instance, I felt myself drift away in my thoughts once again.

After spending the whole afternoon with my brother, I decided that I was going to roam around his villa and try to find something unusual. I return back to my room to change my clothes as it was so fucking hot. This hot sun had me showering more often than ever but that was Italy sun.

Italy was truly a very beautiful place.

I put on a pair of black slacks and paired it with a plain black shirt. I grabbed the watch that I set down earlier and wrap it around my wrists as I make my way to the ground floor. Ever since I've moved here, Thiago practically replaced all my belongings. He provided me with all new clothing and also a new car but I was not complaining.

TUO AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now