Part 45: Who is Mysterion?

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October 25th, 2019

- No way! Michael and John were invited to watch "A Heist With Markiplier" with the cast and the crew?
- Yep! And some other people.
- Ooooooh, can't wait to see this! Only five more days!
- You know, I still haven't met Mark or know much about him, but this project sounds interesting.
- I HOPE it is!
- You know, I recall John talking about Marktelling him about a "secret project" last year, while Michael was inMontana... I guess that's it!
- That's what it seems! I mean, if we're talking about 31 endings, Jackson, that will be A LOT OF WORK!
- Fair enough.
    Sean's doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting theconversation between him and Jackson. He quickly answered the door to pick uptheir Thai food and sat on the couch again, giving Jackson his order. Seanturned on the TV and asked:
- Alright, what should we watch? You call it!
- You know, I wanna catch up on South Park...
- Good idea! What's your progress?
- Hmm... Season 21... Episode... Uhm... 4!
- Oooooh, the "Franchise Prequel"! This episode was made to be a prequel and tie-in to the "Fractured But Whole"!
- Yeah, I know! I watched its let's play a longtime ago, but I understood no references, so I decided to watch the series! Oh,AND a "Stick of Truth" let's play!
- Well, after this episode, we can play it for a little if you want to! I recently started it too, since I didn't have much time for games before I switched to YouTube.
- Sure, why not? Let's watch!

    After they finished finished watching the episode,Sean turned on "South Park: The Fractured But Whole", while Jacksonwas commenting on the episode:
- So THAT'S WHY Craig and Tweek are not gettingalong in the game! Because Tweek left Coon and Friends and Craig didn't followhim!
- Yes, they literally discuss that when we firstsee both on screen!
- Yeah, now that you're mentioning it, I remember!
- Wanna play?
- Sure!
    Sean gave his controller to Jackson, who began a new game, watched the introduction scene and started making his own character. While doing so, he suggested:
- Hey, you know what we could do? Cosplay as Craigand Tweek this Halloween! Wouldn't that be awesome?
- Uh... Yeah. But that idea... is already taken.
- By who?
- Who do you think?
- ...Ooooooooh.
- Yep. Although... Hmm... Hold on. Keep playing, I need to do something quick!
    Sean grabbed his phone and quickly sent a text toMichael, while Jackson finished customizing his character and started theactual game. When the next cutscene was completed, he asked:
- What did you do?
- I texted Michael. I don't know when he'll reply, but I hope he will soon.
- Why?
- Well, I just thought that if Michael and John are going as Craig and Tweek, but as their superhero egos... Then WE could join them as superheroes from South Park too!
- Really?
- Yep!
- Wow, that's... that's a great idea! But... Are you sure I can join you?
- We gotta wait for Michael and John's approvalfirst, but I don't think they will mind if both of us join them! And if wedon't... We can keep this theme anyway!
- Okay, good call! Who are you thinking?
    Sean looked at the screen, watching Jackson'scharacter observing the Coon and Friends meeting. His mind went back to thelast cosplay he did, and his face brightened.
- Well, I DO like fast superheroes, so... How about Fastpass?
- Oooooooh, nice, Jimmy's great!
- I know, right? How about you, who are YOU thinking?
- Hmm... I'm not sure yet... But Halloween is in less than a week...
- Well, maybe playing the game will help you decide!
- Yeah, I guess you're right!

    It was getting late when Michael finally answeredSean's text. He explained that he and John were thinking of going as the normalalter egos of Craig and Tweek, but they liked the superheroes idea better(since they loved the game too); they also agreed for Sean and Jackson to jointhem. Sean announced that to Jackson, who was more thrilled about Halloween,but also worried because he still had no idea for his cosplay. He focused hisattention back to the game, being at the scene he mentioned before: Tweek andCraig fighting because Tweek left and Craig didn't come with him, followed bythe Civil War between Coon and Friends and Freedom Pals. That was when itfinally clicked to him.
- Hey, I think I know who I'm going as!
- Really? Who?
- I'm thinking of Mysterion. I like Kenny as a character!
- Ooooooooh, this is gonna be good!

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