Part 25: Here We Go Again

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August 30th, 2016

    The women had reacted to Michael and John dating better than they expected. Emily and Evelyn were in shock, of course, since the last thing they expected was their exes to start dating each other. Later on,Amy video-called back by herself to inform that it was hard for both Emily and Evelyn to embrace the news, but she promised to help them, so that by the time they were back, they would have gotten used to the idea. She also added that Michael and John were adorable together, something she couldn't say before. The two men thanked her and then, it was Sean's turn to find out. His reaction was the best: when he was confirmed that they weren't joking, that they were INDEED dating, he cheered, dancing with triumph:
    Michael and John couldn't not laugh with Sean's reaction, who asked how them dating happened, and they gladly told him the whole backstory.

    John finally finished with editing for the day and went to join Michael in the living room, who was sitting on the couch,checking out social media. He was really tired, but happy.
- A few more videos are ready and scheduled for uploading!
He stated and sat next to Michael, who put his phone down and brought John closer to him, wanting to kiss him, but the blue-haired man stopped him.
- Ah ah ah! No making out with an empty stomach!
- I had predicted you'd say that, so that's why I ordered pizza 10 minutes ago!
- Please don't tell me you ordered with pineapple...
- But pineapple pizza is awesome! You haven't given it a chance!
- I have and it let me down!
- Then give another one!
- Nope! I'd rather cook something for myself. Pineapple pizza is all yours.
    Indeed, John cooked some fried rice for himself,whereas Michael stayed with the pineapple pizza that arrived later. John decided not to be too stubborn with his statement and, without a warning, stole a bite from the slice Michael was holding.
- Hey! I thought you said you wouldn't give it another chance!
- ...
- Well?
- Yep. Still don't like it.
    They both laughed and Michael wondered, looking at the ceiling:
- Oh my, how am I still dating you if you can't appreciate one of the biggest miracles of the world?
- Maybe because you care about me and accept our differences?
- ...Mayyyyyyyybe.
    They stared at each other, smiling like idiots,and exchanged a quick kiss. They then got back to eating.

- Hey, John?
- What?
- Now that our stomachs are full, may I...?
- Yeah, yeah, sure!
John accepted, rolling his eyes with amusement.Michael grabbed John by his waist and started kissing him, at the beginning slowly, then exploring the insides of his boyfriend's mouth with his tongue.John kissed back, also exploring Michael's mouth with his tongue, making bothtongues go together in harmony. Soon, the making out became more passionate,more heated, more... just more.
    Michael attempted to put his hand under John's shirt, but once again, John grabbed it and got it off him. Michael didn't insist. He knew that John, deeply inside, was still insecure about his own body; not as much as when he was a teenager, but he still was.
    John suddenly interrupted the kiss by pulling away from Michael, who, believing he did something that bothered John, asked with concern:
- Babe? Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?
    John shook his head, moving closer to the arm of the couch and staying there, looking back at Michael.
- No, it's not you... It's me. I'm just... I don't know. I really want you to... you know... touch me. It's a beautiful feeling. At first, I admit I was insecure when you did it, but now I DO want it. It's just that... that...
- That what?
- I don't know what's wrong with me, it's not like you've never seen me shirtless! You have even seen me with just my boxers, damn it! But... I'm still afraid to reveal my body to you now that we're... you know... dating.
    John sighed and looked away, hugging his legs. Michael stayed silent for a few moments, trying to find the proper words. When he did, he cleared his throat to get John's attention, who looked up at him, ready to listen.
- Having insecurities about your own body is normal. All of us do every now and then, even I do. But just because your body isn't perfect, this doesn't mean it's terrible. It's beautiful and unique, just like you. Most importantly, it's YOUR body. It's up to you if you will expose it in public or not, no one will force you into anything. But just know, I love your body the way it is, and I would never EVER judge you, either as your friend or your boyfriend. Plus, you have done something to me (and Emily) that you haven't done to anyone else: you are okay having your arms exposed,ignoring how white and full of veins they are. And trust me, that's a big step.I never judged them. I didn't even think of judging them. Because I lo- uhm, I care about you the way you are. I will always care about you. Always.

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