Part 33: Return from the Past

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August 1st, 2018, Mark's house

    The known YouTuber's house was quieter than normal. No chatting, no dogs barking and playing around, no recordings in progress. And the reason? It was simple: none of the house residents was there.Did that mean the house was empty? Well, not exactly. There WERE two people,sleeping on the couches after a long night: an Irish who was a temporary inhabitant in that house, until he moved at the other man's house, a blue haired man who had no idea what would happen once he woke up.

    Sean's phone started ringing, waking up John,who, in his surprise, fell from the couch. He caught his head and got up,swearing. He wore his glasses and attempted to check the time on his own phone,but it was out of battery.
- Shit!
He swore again and looked at who was calling his Irish friend; unexpectedly, it was Michael. He picked it up.
- Uh... Hello?
- Oh, thank God, John, I thought something happened to you! I called you so many times, but I couldn't reach you!
- I'm sorry, Michael, my phone died, I just noticed it...
- It's okay, at least you're with Jack and that's good... Where are you two? You can't be home since your phone isn't charged!
- We're at Mark's. He invited us yesterday, as I told you, but we stayed all night chatting, and I was too tired to drive... So, he let us sleep here.
- Is Mark there?
    John stood up and looked around. Besides Sean,who had covered his head with a pillow (he had obviously heard his phone too),there was no person or dog in sight. John was about to sit down again, when he noticed a note on the fridge. He picked it up and read loudly:
- "John and Sean, we had breakfast and then we had to take the dogs for a walk before work. We didn't wake you up because you both looked exhausted. Feel free to take anything from the kitchen and the fridge. Then feel free to leave, the door is unlocked and Ethan will come over soon (you might see him), so don't worry about leaving the house exposed. Don't wait for us, we'll be late. We had a great time talking with you guys. And John, I hope next time Michael can join us. See you soon, Mark."
- Well, I guess that answers my question.
Michael commented, who had heard John's reading.John flounced, having almost forgotten his boyfriend in the other line.
- Oh dear! Yeah, I guess it does.
- So, what are you gonna do now?
- Uh... I don't know... I suppose I'll wake Sean up, eat something and leave? Maybe sleep more back at home? Ugh, I just woke up, my brain isn't working properly...
- It's alright, I'll just hang up and let you to it. I'll call you later!
- Okay, bye!
- Love you!
- Love you too!
    John hung up and returned to where Sean was sleeping. His head was still covered with the pillow, yet he was groaning, a sign that he was between sleeping and waking.
- Sean?
- Uuuuugh...
- Wake up, dude!
- Sean, wake up!
    The Irish finally took the pillow off his face and looked at John, his blue eyes half open.
- What time is it?
- I don't know.
- Was my phone ringing?
- Yeah.
- Who was it?
- It was Michael looking for me. My phone has died, so he called yours.
- Oh... You picked it up, right?
- Yep.
    Sean took a deep breath and finally got up. He asked while stretching and looking around:
- Where is everyone?
    John gave him Mark's note and visited the bathroom. He took off his glasses and washed his face with cold water to fully wake up. His idol in the mirror looked back at him tiredly, with his messy blue hair and his green tired eyes with the black circles. John sighed.
- I'm a mess...
    He tied his hair in a bun, wore his glasses again and left the bathroom. Sean was in the kitchen, searching for food, until he heard John coming.
- There you are! I don't know about you, but I'm still tired. How about we grab a snack and then sleep more at home 'til lunchtime?
- You don't have any plans for today?
- If I did, I would have told you to leave earlier yesterday.
- Fair enough. I'm tired too, so let's do it.
- Good! You want soft blueberry cookies?
- Sure.

Michael and John's house

    After eating two big soft cookies each, John and Sean returned home, feeling less hungry, yet still tired. John used his key, but he noticed the door was unlocked. He froze.
- What's wrong?
- Sean... Did you lock the door yesterday?
- No, you did!
Sean answered. He had two spare keys John had given him on his first day in the house (one for the outside gate and one for the house itself), and he could freely leave and come back. However, when they were leaving together, it was always John who locked.
- Then why is it unlocked?
- Did you perhaps forget to lock?
- No way, I'm sure I DID lock!
- Maybe it's Amy? You've said she and your other friends have keys for all the houses here, right?
- Probably...
John murmured and slowly opened the door. The two men walked in carefully, until John saw someone standing in the living room, smiling at him. He had light brown eyes, red spiky hair and a suitcase on his right. He exclaimed with a happy and slightly awkward tone:
- Surprise!
John screamed, ran and hugged Michael tightly;he ran at him so fast, that they both fell on the couch, which had transformed into Sean's bed. The couple didn't notice that, though, since they were too busy hugging and kissing each other. At the same time, John was asking every question he could think of:
- But how? Why are you here? Did you finish your business there? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I could have picked you up from the airport! YOU'RE HERE! YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE?
- Yes, I am, and I wanted to surprise you, you dummy! But it was almost ruined when I saw neither of you here! That's why I called. And I had to fight my flight tiredness for more time so that I can see you!
- Oh my Gosh, Michael, you didn't have to!
- No, I did! I missed our channel, I missed our house, I even missed Toothless, who probably wants to kill me! But mostly, I missed you!
- Aw, Michael! I missed you too...
- Not that I want to interrupt, but would you two mind getting off my bed?
Sean requested, reminding his presence. Michael and John blushed, finally noticing where they were. They quickly stood up, and Michael approached Sean to greet and hug him.
- Good to see you, Jack!
- Good to see you too, Michael! I'm glad I saw you this time!
- Yeah, I'm not always here for some reason!
    They both laughed, Michael yawning at the same time.
- I'm sorry, I really need sleep...
- You're not the only one, we want to sleep too!
- You do? Okay, cool! Let's do so and we talk later!
- Michael, have you eaten anything?
- Don't worry, Blueberry, I raided the fridge while waiting for you two.
- Alright, let's go, then... Later, Sean!
- Later, dude!
- Later, fellas!
Sean greeted back and lay down to his bed couch without bothering to take his clothes off, whereas Michael and John went to their bedroom, closed the door, undressed and lay down as well. Michael scooped John into his arms and started kissing his forehead, going lower and lower to his neck. Untying his hair, John whispered:
- For someone who's tired, you're in a good mood...
- You have no idea how much I wanted you. And now that we're here... Together...
- Michael, we need sleep...
- Please? Just a short one?
- ...Fine, but let's be quiet. We're not alone, you know.
- Don't worry about it...
Michael reassured John and kissed him passionately, lowering his hands to John's boxers.

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