Part 44: Apology of the Wisdom Teeth

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October 20th, 2019, Los Angeles, California

    From the moment Jackson set his foot in LosAngeles for good, he and Sean didn't stop searching for a new house for him tostay. Michael and John were also recruited, and when Sean couldn't, one or bothwere helping instead. Jackson was also looking for a new job, something heachieved a few days after he had signed the contracts for his new house. It wassmall, but Jackson didn't care. It was the best he could afford for the start, hewould consider moving somewhere better once he was more economically stable.His new job was at watching, analyzing and taking care of plants in greenhouses,something that really made him happy. He loved to share interesting detailsabout those plants to Sean, who was always eager to listen.
    Jackson quickly got used to Michael and John andsaw them less as YouTubers and more as friends. He wasn't fully close to themyet, but he was slowly opening up. On the other end, Michael and John wereslowly opening up to Jackson too, especially Michael, who was proud to see hiscousin happy, without letting it get over his head. He had praised him forwanting to help Jackson find a new home instead of asking him to move in withhim immediately, and that he didn't lend him money. Sean confessed that he hadconsidered both, but had decided not to take it too fast with Jackson, and notgive him money unless it was absolutely necessary. They would keep a steadypace and see where their relationship took them.

    Michael woke up, feeling grumpier than normal. He knew that today was his boyfriend's 32nd birthday, but it was also something he wasn't excited about. John woke up next to him and stretched.
- Come on, Michael, get up...
- I don't want to...
- The sooner we get this over with, the more time we'll get to celebrate my birthday!
- Fine.
   Michael and John got up, dressed and John drank a cup of coffee, while Michael was checking his Twitter, where he had informed that he would go to the dentist to get his wisdom teeth removed; a lot of people wanted him to document the process. He sighed.
- Great. As I expected, they want to see how I'llbe in drugs after losing my teeth. They definitely want to compare my sufferingto Mark's and Ethan's.
- Well, you can't say you didn't see that coming! Besides, it's not like we will "copy" anyone! Lots of people document their wisdom teeth extraction!
- That's true... Fine, let's do it, I guess!
Michael agreed, searched and found the camera,checked if it had full battery and stored it in its case, stating to John:
- I'll start recording in the car while moving to save time.
- Okay. Just try not to get dizzy.
- I'll try.
Michael promised. After petting Obi-Wan forgoodbye, Michael and John entered the latter's car, where John sat at thedriver's seat. Even though Michael was practicing driving for the last threemonths, he knew he shouldn't drive at all that day, and not in general until hegot better. When they were away enough from home, he finally opened the camerato start the video blog:
- Hey, everyone! Welcome to this vlog! So, as most of you know, today it's someone special's birthday! Can you guess who? Huh? Can you?
    He pointed the camera at John and exclaimed happily:
- Awwww, thank you!
John answered with an adorable voice, keeping his eyes on the road. Michael turned the camera back at himself, biting his lip, and continued:
- Unfortunately, though, as you can probably guess from the title... Today is also the day I'm having my wisdom teeth removed. We tried, but couldn't find any other day for this, and my teeth are KILLING ME! They have been no problem until NOW, that I've made it to 32! Like NOOOO, couldn't they be a trouble when they first came out? Hey, John, how old were you when you got your wisdom teeth extracted?
- 21.
- 21, guys! Eleven years ago! A nice, normal agefor wisdom teeth extraction! But NOPE! Here I am, going for it today! Anyway,the sooner I get this over with the better, I guess. Next time you see me, I'llbe on drugs! And probably feel bad for ruining John's birthday. See you on theother side!
    Michael stopped recording and put the camera away, while John commented:
- You'll definitely keep apologizing about... about everything, to be honest.

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