Part 31: Jealousy?

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

January 1st, 2018

    2018 was here. A new year, a new beginning for everyone. For Michael, for John, for Sean, for Emily, for Evelyn, for Amy, even for Jimmy. And once again, all of them were together, celebrating as close friends, celebrating as family.

- Everyone! I have an announcement to make!
John stated, interrupting the wishes and the hugs everyone was exchanging.
- You and Michael are getting married?
Sean tried to guess, making everyone laugh, including Michael and John, who, needless to say, had blushed.
- Naaaaah, it's too early for that! However,it IS something I consider the next step of our relationship!
- Now you intrigued me!
Michael respondedwith interest, while the rest were listening silently.
- As you guys know, I'm working on getting over my fears, and so is Michael, and we've decided to get over them together-
- Awwww!
- ...
- Sorry, couldn't resist. Continue.
- Thanks, Sean. As I was saying, by doing that we begin this year stronger and more determined! And we shall all do the same, so let's drink to that!
Everyone raised their glasses and drank. When the toast was done, John went on:
- Alright, now on to the real announcement! As you all remember, Michael has always been coming to my place to hang out, practise on improv, record YouTube videos with me, play games, and how can we forget seeking advice in the middle of the night!
    Nobody could hold a few chuckles, not even a blushing Michael, whose memory flashed through those visits, most of them back from when he and John were only friends. John, chuckling too, combed his hair backwards and continued:
- Andthen, those visits became so often, that he ended up being here more than his ownplace. At least half of his clothes are here! And let's not leave out stayingfor the night, which became more and more often, if you know what I mean!
    Seansmirked, literally having the famous Lenny face, whereas the rest just smiled,lifting eyebrows. Michael blushed again, wondering where John wanted to end up.
- Anyway, Michael has technically been staying here for a while, so I thought: "Why not make it official?"
- W-What did you say?
- Youheard me. Do you want to stay and live together with me? Officially?
- I... I don't know what to say...
Seanshouted, receiving nudges and giggles. Michael laughed too, thinking of what hewould do with his own house if he moved in with John... Until his mind wentback to a destroyed honeymoon...
- Iwas always your guest, with or without relationship. I will just be a guest tosomeone else's place now...
- Uh... Michael?
- Yeah?
- Why are you staring at me?
- Oh, I'm sorry, Evelyn! I was just... thinking.
- Aboutmoving in with John or something completely different?
- I suppose you can say both?
    Michael'sanswer confused everyone, especially John and Evelyn. How was he thinkingsomething else along with the great decision of moving in with his boyfriend?And what Evelyn had to do with it? Michael cleared his throat to announcehis finaldecision.
- I'd LOVE moving in with you, John. But in one condition.
- One condition?
- Don't worry, you personally don't have to do anything. Evelyn does.
- Wait, what? What do I have to do?
Evelyn asked with surprise, thinking of the possibility that Michael was crazy. Michael turned towards her.
- Evelyn, you had told me you were never able to have a house of your own. You ALWAYS had to move into someone else's for one reason or another, and fortunately or not, mine was one of  themany! And now, you're living with Emily.
    Michaelpaused for a moment, in which Evelyn was still confused, trying to figure outwhat she needed to do.
- So... How about I give you my house to stay on your own?
    Evelyn spat out the wine she was drinking, almost dousing Toothless, who meowed loudly and ran away as quickly as possible to escape the incoming alcohol shower.
- You... You mean it?
- Of course I do! Don't you want a house of your own?
- Y-Yeah, but... What if... What if you guys break up? Where will you go, then?
- I really DON'T want to think about this until it's time, but if it happens... I guess I'll be crashing to Sean's, he's not always here, soooooo...
- Do I have an opinion on this?
- No, you don't!
- Alright, then I have one more reason to want you and John to be married!
Seancommented, shrugging and causing more laughs from the women and blushing fromMichael and John. Evelyn asked, not able to believe what she had heard:
- So, you're giving me your house for real?
- Yep.
- Just like this.
- Yep.
- And what about the contracts? The house is written on your name!
- We'll go change that together as soon as possible.
- ...Okay, I'm out of questions.
- Well?
Evelynsuddenly screamed, making everyone jump, except Michael, who just smiled. He wassuddenly caught off guard when a happy Evelyn hugged him and, without anywarning, gave him a quick kiss on his mouth. She quickly got away from him inshock, realizing what she had done, but it was too late. The whole living room wasfrozen. The only thing heard was a glass breaking; they all turned and sawJohn, looking at Michael and Evelyn with shock and panic. He looked down at thebroken glass and laughed awkwardly, his hand frozen, as if he was still holdingit. His laugh faded away immediately and, without a single word, ran to thebathroom and locked himself in.

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