Part 42: Surprise Visit

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July 20th, 2019

- Awww, he's such a cute dog!
- Yeah, he's cute, especially when he POOPS ON THE FLOOR!
Michael agreed with his Irish friend in frustration, watching as Obi-Wan was walking around, smelling the newcomers. Evelien petted him and pleaded:
- Come on, Michael, don't be too harsh with him!
- That's what I'm tellinghim, but on the other hand, we also have THIS problem besides trying to trainhim and Toothless to get along!
John explained, searchingfor the black cat inside the living room, which was nowhere to be found.
- How's that going, by way?
- I will admit we're doing progress, Sean, but we still have a long way to go! It's only been ten days!
- At least Obi-Wan is not a cat! I've read that a cat gets along with a dog easier than another cat!
- I've read that too, but it's still tough! Toothless hates EVERYONE in his free time.
- Yeah, except you!
- ...Yeah, except me.

    About two hours later,Obi-Wan started barking and ran at the front door, sensing someone behind it.When it opened, it revealed Sean Blunt, a new YouTuber in the YouTube industry,who had just finished recording for the day. Obi-Wan smelled the newcomer and,recognizing him as a member of his owner's family, wagged his tail and ranaround happily, receiving more petting.
- Hello to you too, Obi-Wan! You're such a good boy!
Sean greeted his cousin's dog back and walked further inside, greeting everyone in the room.
- Hey, guys! Evelien! Sean, love the bun!
- Hey.
- What's up?
- Hi!
- Hello to you too, fellow Sean! And thank you, though I'll probably cut it soon.
- Nawwww, that sucks! Anyway, thanks for the text, Michael, I don't know when I'll see you both again after VidCon!
- That's why I texted you!
- We'll probably come here after Pax West, but it's not certain.
- We'll definitely let you all three know!
- You better!
    Sean sat down and joined the company, chatting and laughing with his now co-workers. His mind, though, was occasionally wandering away, thinking of a certain someone in Minnesota...

July 25th, 2019

    Sean was happily waitingfor his family by his trailer, wearing a brand-new pair of sneakers: black withwhite laces, white soles and white designs on their sides.
- Ooooooooh, love the shoes!
John complimented first on them, and the rest agreed.
- I know, right? It's Jackson's present, they arrived this morning! So, are you guys ready for the beach?
- Beach, beach, beach!
Jimmy chanted first, and the rest showed their excitement as well:
- Yep!
- You know it!
- Let's go!
- Heck yeah!
- ...
- Going at the beach was a great idea!
- Thanks, Michael! The weather is hot, so we DO need it! Everyone climb aboard!
    Soon, everyone was inside the trailer, except John, who was standing still, and Michael, who noticed something was up.
- John...? Are you okay? Will you not join?
- I... Uh... I...
- Give us five minutes.
Michael requested from therest, took John's hand and led him away from the trailer, close to their house.
- Now tell me. What's wrong? Is it Sean?
- No, it's not Sean or anybody else! It's... the beach that...
- That what?
- I... I can't go back, Michael! I'm... scared.
- Why? I thought you loved it.
- I did, and I do, but I can't go back there! I can't after... after...
- After what?
- Michael... There's something you should know... About... about the time you had amnesia...
- ...
- Remember when you learnt the truth in my house while I wasn't there? I... I never told you WHERE I was...

- ...
- Now you know why I don't feel ready to go back there...
- Wow... I... I knew everythingI went through was tough for all of you, ESPECIALLY you, but this... This istoo much. I would have ever expected that.
- Please tell me you don't feel responsible, like in the past...
- ...No. It's not like I caused amnesia to myself! Look, if you don't want to go, I understand. I'll explain to Sean, and if you don't want to reveal what happened-
- I'll come.
- ...Are you sure?
- Yes. It's been sevenmonths. You're back to normal, it's your cousin's birthday and it's time tostop fearing a place where mostly good things have happened! No more avoidingit!
- ...
- What?
- Have I told you how proud ofyou I am?
- A million times.
- Well, one more won't hurt.

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