Part 1: First Steps

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     After the ending of that , Psychoburners wrote down every single game suggestion they read at the comments and organized to see which ones they would play. They decided to play some flash games first, since they didn't want to spend money on games yet. Instead, they would show the greatness flash games offered. So,why not beginning with those?
     They spent the next week recording, editing and uploading new videos, with lots of energy, stupid jokes,laughs and most of all, with passion. They were literally having fun. They loved this day by day, hour by hour. It was the best thing they could ever do,and they were doing it together.
  The others were informed about it, of course. They were surprised at the beginning, but then, as a true family, they decided to support the duo, not thinking of it as a bad idea atall. In fact, Sean loved the channel so much, that no matter how busy he was,he always watched their videos at his spare time and texted Michael his opinion about them. And that was a habit he never abandoned.
     As well about the channel itself, it began growing slowly. People seemed to love their content and the dynamic they had as a duo. The videos were slowly getting more views and likes,and the subscribers were multiplying faster. Not too fast, but fast enough. The schedule they had organized helped a lot: two videos a day at 10 AM and 1 PM. They were trying their best to follow it.
    Most of the comments made them smile by reading them: nice words, tips and requests for even more games.Finally, there were requests for getting a facecam, which was Psychoburners' next step. And since they were pleased by the positive responses, they decided to do that step.

July 30th, 2014

     John was checking to see if their new facecam was working, until Michael stated:
- I think I have an idea for an intro.
     John turned towards him with surprise.
- Really?
- Yeah! Why are you so surprised?
- Believe it or not, I have an outro in my mind.
- Do you?
- Yes!
- Damn, are our brains connected or something?
- Probably. What's the intro you thought?
- Well, since we are Psychoburners, we can be a little pyromaniac, right?
- Not literally, but yes.
- Right. So, since we are pyromaniacs,it means the people who watch us are too! So, we can greet by shouting together: "What's up, pyromaniacs!" Then we can introduce ourselves and then I can be like: "We're Psychoburners and in this video we're gonna play..." and you can complete me by saying the title of the game we play.What do you think?
     John thought of it for a second, and then nodded, smiling with satisfaction.
- Not bad at all! I like it! Since we have this name, both intro and outro should have the word "fire" in them!
- Does the outro you thought have it?
- Yep! I thought after thanking people for watching the video, you could say "See you next time" and I could say "And always remember" and then we could shout together, "Burn psychos with fire!" and then collide our fists together or something.
     John stopped, looking at Michael and waiting for a reaction. The older man stared at his friend,imagining of themselves saying those phrases. Then, he smiled with confidence.
- They do match! It is AWESOME! We will definitely use these two!
- Really?
- Of course! I believe they are catchy!
- Yeah, I believe that too.
- Let's do it, then!
- Let's do this!

     After they checked if the game they planned to play was working, Psychoburners started the recording at both the computer and their facecam. They winked at each other, having a plan about the beginning of this video.
- In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

They yelled in unison.
- I'm Michael...
- I'm John...
- We're Psychoburners and in this video we're gonna play...
- ..."", a horror game that you guys have been demanding for a while! So, we decided to play it, because we do want to play more horror games for you guys to enjoy! So, feel free to suggest us with more horror games to play!
- But, in order to make this horror experience way more interesting, we are going to do a magic trick! Are you guys ready?
- We hope you are! In 3, 2, 1!
     Both men murmured some nonsense, which looked like magic words, and snapped their fingers. They turned towards the facecam, pretending like it just appeared, and celebrated:
     They high-fived each other and then Michael confirmed, staring at the facecam:
- That's right! We bought- I mean we just made a new facecam appear!
     John nodded repeatedly with a smile, making parts of his hair fall in his face. He groaned with a funny way, made a desperate try to fix it, stared back at the camera and continued:
- You guys have been asking that for us, so we thought: why not? Plus, you will enjoy our faces of horror as we are wandering at this game -and all the other games we will play in the future- and watch as we scream the SHIT out of our lungs!
- Speak for yourself! I bet I will NOT scream at the whole game!
Michael stated, smiling with confidence. John lifted an eyebrow and turned towards his friend.
- You can bet on that?
- Of course!
- 10 bucks.
- Deal!
     Both men shook hands. Then John continued, fixing himself at his chair:
- Now, let's say the new intro again.
- Why?
- Cause we have to make a proper beginning at the video now that we have a facecam! It has to be formal, you know!
     Michael rolled his eyes, fixed himself at his chair as well and replied:
- Fiiiiine!
     John nodded with a smile and both men turned towards camera.
- 3, 2, 1!

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