chapter 8

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Kelsey's POV

I heard our door open and close so I walked into the living room to see who it was. It was Alisha coming from her date. Aww! Audrey had finally came back and was sitting in the living room. I left her in there because I was tired so I lied in my room.

"Ishie! You're back! How was you're date?!" I asked her.

"It was amazing. Luke is so wonderful. He got me tickets for one direction! I can't wait. It is in like a week. Oh my gosh! I really like Luke!" She said.

"Aww! That's so cute!" Audrey said.

"Yeah. You should invite them over. It's only 10. Invite Luke and Michael over. Oh and Calum and Ashton. Might as well invite Retha too." I said.

"Okay. You call Retha. I'm going to get Luke and Michael, Audrey would you like to get Calum and Ash?" Alisha said/asked.

"Yeah sure." Audrey said and I grabbed my phone to call Retha. They both left and so I sat down. My phone rang for a minute and then she finally answered.

"Hello?" She's asked.

"Hey! Want to come over? Me, Audrey, Alisha and 5SOS are hanging out at my place. You could probably stay the night if you want to. I mean the boys can easily go home and we have a couch and a guest bedroom. So you and Audrey could work that out." I told her.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll be over in 10. Or you all could come over here. I have enough guest bedrooms for everyone." She said.

"Sure! That'll be fine. I'll tell them change of plans and we'll all be over soon." I said.

"Okay." Retha said and we hung up. I got my shoes and I don't feel like changing. I'm wearing black pajama pants and a tee-shirt. So I slipped shoes on and grabbed my phone and keys.

Alisha and Audrey came back with the boys.

"Okay. Change of plan. We are going over to Rethas. Go get changed and meet me at the car. Alisha, wear pajama clothes so I'm not the only one. Audrey? You should do the same." I said.

"Okay." Alisha and Audrey said at the same time. They went to change.

"You guys can do the same if you want." I said.

"Okay." The guys said and went to change in their room. I went downstairs and waited by my car. Alisha and Audrey finally got here and got into the truck (well I'm making kelsey drive a truck so everyone can fit in.) Alisha was wearing blue pajama pants and a pink tee-shirt. Audrey was wearing pink pajama pants and a purple tee-shirt. Alisha sat on the back of the truck and so did Audrey. The guys finally got here and Michael was wearing black pajama pants and a green tee-shirt. Luke was wearing a black tee-shirt and black & red pajama pants. Calum was wearing a orange tee-shirt and orange & black pajama pants. And Ashton was wearing black tee-shirt and black pajama pants.

"Someone has got to sit with me. You all can not go and sit in the back." I said.

"I guess I will." Michael said.

"Okay." I said getting in to the drivers side and Michael got into the passengers side. Everyone else got into the back and I backed out and went to Rethas. We got there after 10 minutes and we knocked on her door.

"Hey! Come in!" Retha said. She was wearing a violet tee-shirt and blue pajama pants. We walked inside and all went and sat down. I sat next to Michael on the love seat. Alisha was cuddled next to Luke in the couch with Audrey. Retha and Ashton were on the other love seat. Calum was on the chair.

"So. What does everyone want to do?" Alisha asked.

"We could watch a movie? I've got a movie room and tons of movies." Retha said.

"Well damn. Okay. Can we just stay in here for a little bit. But I don't feel like doing anything right now." I said.

"Okay. How about you and Michael make the popcorn and me and everyone else will get the movie ready and stuff." Retha said.

"Okay." I said.

I got up to get the popcorn and I put it in the microwave. I walked out and saw Michael laying on the love seat where I was sitting. What the hell?

"Get out of my seat fatass" I said.

"Make me bitch." Michael said.

"Okay." I said. And then an idea popped into my head. While Michael had his eyes closed I sat right on top of him.

"What the hell?! Get off of me." Michael said.

"Make me." I said, imitating Michael.

"Kelsey? What are you doing? Get off of Michael." Alisha said.

"But he started it! I'm not gonna move until he moved off of my seat." I said.

"The popcorn is done. And the movie is about to start. Come on." Alisha said.

"No." I said.

"Get off of me. I would like to watch the movie." Michael said.

"Not until you apologize." I said.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Now move." Michael said. I got off of him and went to get the popcorn. After I got the popcorn we went into the movie room and got ready to watch The Conjuring.

The Story Of A Good Girls Life (1D/5SOS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon