chapter 22

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Alisha's POV

Oh my gosh! Today is the day of the concert. It's been a few days since the incident with Kelsey getting me high and Luke getting mad but I guess they're fine now. Kelsey and Michael are still not talking and we're all going to the concert together. Me, Luke, Michael, Kelsey, Ashton, and Calum. Retha couldn't make it and Audrey is on a family trip with her parents. So yeah. Just me and Kelsey with 5SOS going to see 1D. So I had gotten up. Curled my hair, put makeup on, and got dressed. We have an hour or so until we have to leave for the concert. I think we're gonna take Kelsey's truck and the guys are gonna sit in the back and me and Kelsey will be in the front. So this concert is gonna be amazing! I walked out and noticed Kelsey was on the couch. She was dressed and everything already.

"Hey. What do you want to do for an hour until we leave?" I asked her.

"Umm... I dunno. We can watch TV and then leave. We might want to get there pretty early so we can leave at 5:30. The concert is at 7. Right now it's 5 and it takes 30 minutes to get there. So we'll probably be there be 6 if we leave at 5:30." Kelsey said.

"Okay. I'm gonna go tell Luke." I said. I walked out and knocked on his door. Michael answered the door.

"Oh my gosh! Alisha! I've trying to get a hold of you ever since the party! I am so sorry. Please believe me!" He said

"Look. It's not me you should me apologizing to. Kelsey was so hurt over that. You shouldn't have done that and I'm not gonna ignore you anymore. But if you hurt kelsey anymore than you already I have I will hurt you. You had no right to go flirt with Cameron. Kelsey and jai weren't even flirting. Jai spilt drink on her and she was wearing a white shirt and it was see through so she took his jacket to not let anyone see her bra or anything. So can you just move so that I can talk to Luke." I said. He moved aside hanging his head down in shame. I walked over to Luke. His back was turned to me and it looks like he's in the phone. I ran and jumped on his back he stumbled at first but didn't fall.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey. Your looking beautiful. What time are we leaving?" He asked.

"Probably in about" I looked at the time "15 minutes." I told him.

"Okay. I'm gonna go get shoes on. I'll come by with Michael when we're ready." He said. He kissed me on the lips and then went to get his shoes on. I left and went over to Calums and Ashtons. I didn't even knock. I walked in and Calum and Ash we making out.

"Oh god. Come on guys. We've gotta leave soon." I told them with my eyes covered.

"Okay. You can uncover your eyes. We're decent." Ashton said. I uncovered my eyes and they followed me to my apartment. They came in and sat on the couch. Michael and Luke came over in a sec and then we were finally on our way to the concert.

We finally got to the concert and we gave the guys our tickets and he told us we were ask the way in the front. Like front row. Yes! I can't believe it!!!!

*one hour later*

The music for 'What Makes You Beautiful' started playing and girls started screaming. Oh my gosh! Yay! They popped up out if no where and started singing. This was just the beginning of an amazing night.

*three hours later* (A/N I don't know how long concerts are I'm just putting 3 hours cause I asked Kelsey and yeah.- Alisha)

This concert was amazing! Right now we're going backstage to meet the guys. We show the guards we have backstage passes and they let us through. We walked back and followed the line of girls that also have backstage passes and they don't even notice 5SOS is here. Oh gosh. We finally get to where the guys are. Oh my gosh this is amazing!

"Hey Luke! Ashton! Calum! Michael! What are you for four doing here?!" Niall asked.

"Oh! I brought my girlfriend here for our date. She loves you guys. Especially you Harry. Guys this is Alisha and this is her best friend Kelsey. We were wondering if you guys wanted to hangout. This is your last concert until next tour right? You have some free time?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. Actually. We're staying here for a while. Come on in to our dressing room." Louis said.

"Oh. Does Your girlfriend not talk?" Liam asked.

"Oh. She's a bit shy." Luke said.

"Hi...." I said quietly.

"Hi, love." Harry said. I looked down and blushed.

"Want to go sit down inside and wait until everyone is gone?" Zayn asked

"Sure" we all said. We walked inside all except for kelsey and Michael. Where could they be?

We were all sitting around waiting for the guys to finish except for Kelsey and Michael. They've been gone for like 5 minutes and still aren't back.

* five minutes later*

Kelsey and Michael finally got back but they looked all flustered. What the heck? Okay. They sat down and we waited for one direction to be finished.

*10 minutes later.*

One direction were finally finished and they came in and sat down.

"Well... what does everyone want to do?"

(A/N Okay. Well 1D is finally in the story! Yay! It took like 22 chapters but they finally made it! Yay. Okay. I didn't really want to update but Kelsey wanted me too so I guess yeah. But anyways.. how's everyone? I dunno. Okay. Well thanks for reading.- Alisha)

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