chapter 38

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Alisha's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling happy. I woke up next to Harry and I was all cuddled into him. He was lying on his back and I was lying on my side. I had a leg on top of him and an arm. He had an arm wrapped around me pulling me closer to him.

"Harry..." I whispered poking him in the side. It's about 8:30am Ugh. It's So early.

"Yeah?" He asked whispering back.

"Are you awake?" I asked

"I am now" He said

"Can you let go of me? I want to get dressed so that we can go ahead and be ready for today." I said

"Ugh. Can I have a kiss first?" He asked

"Morning breath... can I brush my teeth first? And you too?" I asked

"Sure... Yeah okay." He said we both got up and I got my tooth brush. I gave Harry a spear tooth brush and we brushed our teeth. We rinsed our mouths and used mouth wash. "So... no more morning breath. Can I have a kiss now?"

"Of course..." I blushed. I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. We stood there making out for a little bit and then I pulled away. "What do you want to do today?"

"Umm... Wanna hangout with the guys? I can have Lou and Li and Z bring their girlfriends if you want?" He asked

"Sure. So that I'm not the only girl." I said

"Okay. I'll go call them now." He said. He walked away and then I got up to get dressed.

Kelsey's POV

Me and Michael have been hanging out ever since he's been here. I'm not going to forgive him right away though. I mean I love him. But what he did to me really heart. I'm just gonna wait maybe a few days... and if I'm not hurt again in those few days I'll forgive him. He's like one of the best things to ever happen to me. I really love him. So we're hanging out with Scotty and his friend, Todd. We've been hanging out for a while now. Todd and Scott are just so funny and I love how funny they are. I just Alisha was here. I actually miss her. We haven't seen each other in a few days and it's terrible. But I think I might go back early.

"So... Michael... when do you plan on going back home?" I asked

"Umm.......... when you decide to come back home." He said.

"I dunno when I will. In a week? I missed Scott. And Todd. So I just needed to see them. Maybe in a few days?" I said

"Oh... Okay..." He said.

"Does that change when your going home?" I asked

"No... I dunno when I want to go home. I'm having so much fun hanging with you and Scott and Todd." He said. Scott had just smacked Todd for some reason. Umm okay.

"Oh! Maybe Scott, Todd and me and you can all go down and Scott and Todd can meet everyone!" I yelled

"Oh yeah! I'd love to see Alisha again. Hadn't seen get since you two moved to LA." Scott said

"Sure. I'm up for that." Todd said.

"Okay. Then it's settled. We can leave tomorrow." I said.

Alisha's POV

We were all hanging out walking around the mall. I was talking to Eleanor about something and holding Harrys hand. I really, really like Harry. He's just so sweet... I'm just hoping he doesn't hurt me... I felt my phone vibrate and and let go of Harrys hand and he pouted. Aww my baby. I grabbed my phone and saw it was a text from kelsey.

Kelsey: hey... what's up? Guess what?!?!?!?!?!?

Me: what?!?!?!?!?!

Kelsey: I'm coming home tomorrow! With Mikey and Scotty and Toddy!!!!

Me: really?!? Yay! Hadn't seen them guys in forever! Can't wait! Wait... where are Scott and Todd gonna stay? We only have 2 rooms in our apartment.

Kelsey: oh... they can get a hotel.

Me: okay.

"Babe... guess what?!" I said

"What?" He asked, gabbing hold of my hand.

"Kelsey and Michael and her brother, Scott and Scott's best friend, Todd, are all coming down here! Oh my gosh! I can't wait. I hadn't seen them in forever, Scott and Todd, not Kelsey and Michael." I said

"Oh. Seems like you have a crush on them guys..." He said.

"What? No. I've just known them forever cause Kelsey and I have been best friends since we were little. Oh my gosh." I said

"Oh. Okay. Well then good. Cool!" He said

"Yeah." I said "guys! Guess what??!"

"What??!!" Louis yelled in as much excitement as I yelled in.

"Kelsey and Michael are coming back home with Her brother and her brothers best friend!" I yelled

"Cool!" El yelled just like Louis, moking me.

"You know, you and Lou are just perfect for each other." I said

"We know." Lou said and kissed her.

"Okay then. Well what to do now?"

The Story Of A Good Girls Life (1D/5SOS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora