chapter 11

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Alisha's POV

So I had gotten my bag ready. I grabbed black skinny jeans, a tee-shirt that says kiss me cause I said so, blue jeans, a tee-shirt that says 5 seconds of summer, black leggings, a red over sized sweater and I grabbed boots and some shorts and tank tops to sleep in. Kelsey had already gotten her clothes and we had already taken Audrey to get her clothes and the guys was getting there clothes right now so we were waiting for them by the car. Michael was taking his motorcycle again and I was gonna have Calum drive Kelsey's truck and Ash was gonna sit in the passenger side and me, Audrey and lukey were sitting in the back.

"Okay. Let's get going." I said. We pulled out and drove to Rethas. We finally got there and when we got there Retha let us in and we got our stuff and brought it into the rooms we stayed in the other night. Me and Luke are staying in a room together. Audrey and Kelsey are staying in a room together. Retha has her own room. Cal and Ash are sharing a room and Michael has his own room.

It's about 9 and I'm getting tired. I think I should get to bed soon considering we have to be up early in the morning.

"Hey, y'all. I think we should get to bed. We've got to get up early in the morning. So..." I said.

"Okay. Yeah." They all said.

Me and Luke went into our room and I stared changing into pajamas. I made sure Luke wasn't looking and then I started changing. After I was done Luke was just changing. He had taken off his shirt and changed into basketball shorts.

"I hope you don't mind me sleeping topples." Luke said.

"No. I don't mind." I said blushing. I crawled into bed and Luke crawled in after me. I curled up right up next to Luke and he held onto me.

"You know, I really like you Alisha." He said.

"I like you too." I said and leaned up to kiss Luke. "Do you think it'll be fun tomorrow camping?"

"Yes I do. Come in now babe. Let's go to bed." Luke said.

"Okay." I said and we went to sleep.

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