chapter 24

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Alisha's POV

So I had just finished cleaning my room and Kelsey was just sitting on the couch in the living room. It's like 8:30am and we're not meeting up with the guys until about 12. We're gonna go meet with them at Starbucks. This should be fun. Also I'm going on a date with Luke tonight! That should be fun also! It's formal so I've already picked out my outfit for tonight. So I got up to get dressed before me and Kelsey go to meet the guys. (A/N Kelsey's outfit on the right, mines on the left) I walked out to the living room after getting dressed. I went and sat down next to kelsey.

"So... what time is it?" I asked

"Umm about.... 10:45. What time are we meeting the guys?" She asked

"12. Ugh. We have an hour and 15 minutes. I don't want to wait that long. You want to go to the mall? Shop for a little bit then head to Starbucks?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Let's go." She got up and grabbed her leather jacket and we left.

"Wanna take my car?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure" we got in my car and left.

*1 hour later*

So all we've been doing is walking around. We couldn't really find anything that we wanted to buy so we bought nothing. We finally got to Starbucks and we walked in. No body was in here except the workers and one direction. Their body guards were outside not letting anybody in. Great.

"Hiii!" I said sitting down

"Hey." Kelsey said.

"Alisha! Kelsey!" They said.

"What are y'all doing other then hanging out with us today.?" I asked

"umm... nothing much. Might go to the movies tonight. Would you two like to go with us?" Liam asked.

"Oh. I can't. I've got a date with Luke tonight." I said and I missed the hurt look in Harrys eyes.

"I can! I've got nothing better to do. Maybe 5SOS can come with also." Kelsey said

"Sure. The more the merrier" Louis said.

"Perrie just texted. She said her and El were on their way. They would probably like to come also. We can go see the woman in black 2!" Zayn said.

"Yes!!!!! I've been wanting to see that movie!!!!!" Kelsey yelled

"You know guys, I don't feel like going. I'll just sit at home tonight probably. Would you maybe want to bring me food after the movie?" Harry said

"Yeah sure. Are you sure you don't want to see the movie Haz?" Louis asked

"Yeah. I'm sure. We can all just hangout another time." He said.


"So. What does everyone want to do..." Niall asked.

"I dunno bout you but I'm hungry." Kelsey said.

"Yes!!!! Me too!!!!" Niall said

"Want to go get some food?" Kelsey asked. Niall nodded and them two left. Well now it's just me and the boys.

"Well we've just gotta wait until El and Perrie get here." Zayn said.

"Okay." We all said. So I was sitting next to Harry and he's being real quiet for some reason.

"Harry... can I talk to you?" Louis asked. Hmm... wonder what that's about. They walked away and I was left sitting with Zayn and liam. Perrie and Eleanor walked in. Aww!!!!! Perrie is so short it's adorable!!!!! El is so tall!!!!!

"Hiiiii!" Perrie said

"Hey babe." Zayn said.

"Hiiii! I'm Alisha. Umm.... Yeah. That's all I really can think to say. I'm Lukes girlfriend and umm yeah. But if you don't mind me saying, you two are so beautiful. Even more so in person." I said

"Aww thanks love!!! You're beautiful too! It's great to meet! Mind me asking where you get your clothes?" Perrie asked.

"Umm Rue 21" I said

"Ah. I don't shop there much. So what are we still doing here?! Let's go shopping!" Perrie said

"Yes! I'm dying to get some more clothes! Where's Louis?" Eleanor asked

"Oh. Talking to Harry." Liam said.

"Is Niall somewhere around here?" Perrie asked

"Oh. Yeah. He went to get something to eat with my best friend, Kelsey." I said.

"Oh. Okay! Well, ready to go? Lou and Harry are here finally" I looked over and Perrie was right. Harry was next to me and Louis was with El, holding her hand. So cute. I wish lukey was here. Niall has kelsey, Lou has El, and Zayn has Perrie. Now there's me, Liam and Harry. Harry is single and liam is dating sophia who isn't here right now. Maybe I'll get to meet her later. We walked into the food court and finally spotted kelsey and Niall. We went up to them and got them and started walking into stores. We actually had a great time together. All me, Kelsey, Perrie, Eleanor, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry. Harry still isn't acting the same. He seems kinda sad. I wonder what's up with him?

(A/N okay. Well this chapter isn't really that interesting but yeah. I dunno. I was working on this in the middle of the night. Probably not the next chapter, but the next one will be pretty interesting... Kelsey is gonna be the one writing the not next chapter but the next one. So anyways... Yeah. Thanks for reading. Bye bye! You can always message me if you want! I would like to get to know some people! But okay. Bye now!)

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