chapter 39

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Alisha's POV

So it's the next day and Kelsey texted saying that she'll be here soon. So I got dressed. I put on my clothes and went out to the living room. Harry was sitting out there on the couch.

"Hey...." I say.

"Hey. You look adorable as always." He says.

"Aww! Thanks babe!" I say while blushing. He leaned over and kissed me. For a while we just sat there making out. Then the door opened and in comes kelsey.

"Gosh. Get a room you two." She says.

"Kelsey!!!!!" I say. I get up and hug her. "Scotty!!!!!" I hug him also. "Todd!!!" And I hug him also. So many hugs.

"What? No hug for me?" Michael says. Fake pouting.

"Fine." I give him a hug also.

"Well Alisha, hadn't seen you in forever. Who's this guy you were making out with?" Scotty asks.

"Oh... umm... this is Harry my... umm... boyfriend" I say blushing.

"Aww! Great to meet you Mr. Boyfriend. In Scotty, Kelsey's brother, and this is Todd, my best friend." Scott says

"I'm Harry. Obviously, Alisha's boyfriend. Great to meet you Scotty, Todd. What's everyone up to today?" Harry asked

"Umm... Wanna go out today? Invite Lou, li, Ni, Ash, Cal, Audrey, Retha and Zayn? Maybe Luke. I feel bad cause we leave him out since me and him broke up. But he apologized and so did I. So we should be able to hangout as friends shouldn't we?" I asked

"Yeah. Of course. Michael and i can go get Luke and Alisha and Harry can get Ash and Cal and we can all meet downstairs and then go pick up Audrey, and Retha." Kelsey said

"Sure." Harry said.

"Okay. Come on babe!" I said

"Wait, where should me and Todd go?" Scotty asked

"Go ahead downstairs. We'll be there soon." Kelsey said

"Okay." Toddy and Scott walked out and downstairs. I grabbed Harrys hand and pulled him out. We walked next door and I knocked on the door.

"Coming!!" I heard Ashtons thick Australian accent. Then the door was opened. "Hey! Hadn't seen you two in a while. What brings you here?"

"Want to hangout with us? Kelsey's back. And her brother and brothers best friend are here visiting. You'll love them. Let's go." I said grabbing his hand. "Calum! Your coming to. Let's go!"

"Ugh. Fine." I'm still pulling Ashton and Harry is looking kinda jealous. I let go of Ashtons hand and grabbed Harrys instead. I kissed his knuckle and he blushed. But he smiled and was holding my hand still.

We got downstairs and everyone was there already.

"So.... I'll ride in Harrys car with him, Michael and Kelsey can take Michaels motorcycle and Scotty can take Kelsey's truck with Ash, Luke and Cal riding in the back." I said. I leaned up and kissed Harry. "Okay. First, before we go, we've gotta figure out where we're going."

"Okay. Umm... we could go out to lunch and then go out to the mall? Maybe have dinner later tonight?" Kelsey asked

"Sure." We all said. So we all got in our çata were riding in and started to go. Me and Harry were gonna pick up Audrey and Scott and them are gonna pick up Retha. Awesome. Okay. So we were just gonna meet at where we're eating lunch.

(A/N well okay. I hadn't updated in a little while but yeah. Umm this chapter isn't the best but still. I've made a new book everyone! You should all go read it! It's called little me and yeah. Umm.... have a good night. So yeah... the two outfits on the top are mine and Kelsey's outfits. Mines on the right, Kelsey's on the left. So yeah....well bye.- Alisha)

The Story Of A Good Girls Life (1D/5SOS)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora