chapter 5

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Alisha's POV

"Alisha!" I was just lying down all cuddled into Luke when I heard someone calling my name. I wasn't ready to get up so I just hid my face in the crook of his neck. But then I was being poked by someone. Oh my gosh!

"Yes?" I asked rolling over.

"Why are you and Luke lying in bed together? Why isn't Luke at home?" Kelsey asked me.

"Cause. I didn't wanna be lonely. Go. I'm tired and wanna sleep longer." I told her.

"Okay." She said leaving my room. I turned over and snuggled into Luke again.

"Babe... would you mind telling me what time it is..?" Luke asked. And his morning voice.... oh my gosh.

"Umm it's.... 8:30. Ugh. Why is it so early?" I asked.

"I don't know. Want to get up?" Luke asked.

"Might as well." I said.

"I think I should go. Maybe we can hangout later?" Luke asked blushing. Oh my. Is he asking me on a date?

"....are you asking me on a date...?" I asked.

"Yeah... I mean if you want it to be...?" Luke said.

"I would like that...." I said.

"Well I'll see you later.." Luke said.

"Okay...." I said and then Luke left. I got up and slipped on my slippers and walked into the living room.

"So your boyfriend left?" Kelsey asked.

"Not my boyfriend... at least not yet." I told her. My phone vibrated and I looked down and saw my friend Audrey texted me. (Audrey- Bold. Me- italics)

Hey wanna hangout?

Sure. When and where?

Mall. Meet at Starbucks? And bring your roommate cause I haven't met her yet. At 12.

Okay. Sure. See ya soon.


"Want to meet a friend of mine?" I asked kelsey.

"Yeah sure. When.? Where?" Kelsey asked.

"Umm. Mall, Starbucks, 12" I told her. I checked the time and noticed it's 10. Well enough time for me to take a shower and get dressed.

"Okay. Well, we better get dressed. Let's go." Kelsey said.

"Okay." I walked to my room and went go take a shower.

After I had taken my shower I changed into a black tee-shirt and red skinny jeans and black TOMS. I then grabbed a sweat shirt and walked into the living room. Kelsey was already out there wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt, her leather jacket and combat boots.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes." We got up and I grabbed my keys and wallet and we left. We got to the car and Kelsey got into the three drivers side and I got into passenger seat. I pulled out my phone and went to text Luke. (Luke- BOLD. Me- Italics)

Hey, lukey. What are you doing?

Hey, babe. I'm just sitting here missing you. *insert picture*

Aww lukey! Wanna go to the mall? I'm meeting a friend? No. Wait. Never mind. To many paps.

Wanna go on a date......?

Not right now... I'm going out.

Wanna go out tonight.? I've got a special surprise for you

Aww! Lukey! Sure...

See ya tonight babe.. :)

Okay lukey.

"So... was that Luke?" Kelsey asked.

"Of course. Who else would it be?" I asked.

"I dunno. Look, we're here." Kelsey said. We got out of the car and walked inside. We found Starbucks and we went inside. We sat there for a second and then Audrey finally got here. She has blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing jeans, boots, and a pink shirt.

"Hey Audrey. What's up?" I asked her.

"What is the meaning of this..?" She asked putting down a magazine that had me and Luke on the cover.

"Oh... Me and Luke are friends... we met because I ran into him and he lives right next door to us. Oh and this is kelsey, Kelsey this is Audrey." I said.

"You have got to let me meet Luke! And hi. Nice to meet you." She said.

"You too." Kelsey said.

"Wanna meet him tonight. We're going on a date and after that you can stay the night with me and Kelsey and tomorrow you'll be able to meet him. He's the sweetest thing ever." I said

"Really?! I would like that. I'll just have to get clothes and stuff. When are you and Luke going out?" She asked me.

"Umm. I dunno. I guess later when we go home I could ask him. I'll have to get dressed but like he told me he's got a surprise for me and I can't wait. Shall we go shop before we head to our house?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Sure" Kelsey and Audrey said at the same time. We got up and started leaving Starbucks to go walk around.

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