chapter 19

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(A/N Okay. So like this chapter will be like a few days later. Like we're home and going to the concert soon. So I just had to make sure you knew that we weren't still camping- Alisha)

Okay. So we had just gotten home and it's Sunday night. I'm so tired. Me and Kelsey had gotten to our room. We dropped Retha and Audrey off. Michael and Luke, and Ashton and Calum went home. I'm seriously so excited for the one direction concert coming up soon! Yay!!!!! I really can't wait! But I'm so tired so I'm probably gonna go to sleep now. I had changed into PJs and went into my room and fell asleep.

*Next day*

So it's the next day and I'm getting ready to start the day. I took a shower, got dressed, put makeup on, curled my hair and put my glasses on. (A/N okay. So my outfit is on the left and Kelsey's is on the right. I'm not sure if my outfit matches well but I think it's cute. But okay. Yeah. Read on) I walked out after I had put on my shoes.

"So Kelsey, what do ya wanna do today?" I asked.

"Umm I dunno. I've been texting jai and him and Calvin said they live pretty close to where we live.. maybe we can hangout with them." Kelsey said.

"Umm... I dunno. I was gonna hangout with Luke. We could go to a party tonight!" I said.

"Oh wow! You actually want to party?!" Kelsey yelled

"Yes! Come on! We should! I'm just not gonna drink cause... yeah. I'm not gonna get drunk." I told her.

"Okay! Do you know anyone who's having a party tonight?" She asked.

"Umm.... a girl I know on Facebook is having one. She's pretty popular so it should be fun!" I told her

"Okay. Who's this chick?" She asked.

"Her name is Cameron. I dunno if you know her but she went to school with us she's got blond hair, brown eyes, she's kinda tall and she lives on the rich side. Kinda close to Retha." I said.

"Oh okay! Let's go to it! Me and you and 5SOS and Audrey and Retha! Maybe jai and Calvin." She said.

"Yes! Okay! Umm.... what do ya wanna do till then?" I asked.

"Umm go to the mall? I'm kinda hungry. Invite Luke if you want. I'll invite Jai. Calvin can come also. Jai and him are always together so why not? Also we should invite Audrey." She said.

"Okay. Yes! Let's do that! Come on! Let's go to Luke's and get him! Then we can leave and get Audrey!" I said. This is gonna be fun!

(A/N OKAY. This chapter is kinda short but I dunno. I wasn't sure what to write. But another party! Yay! Cool. Okay. Well bye bye!- Alisha)

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