chapter 23

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Alisha's POV

So right now I'm sitting on Luke's lap, Kelsey and Michael are glaring at each other, Calum and Ash are talking, Harry is just sitting there, Louis is talking to Niall, and Zayn and liam are talking. Oh gosh. We have an odd bunch. Audrey is still on vacation with her parents. Oh my gosh I am so ready to go home and go to sleep.

"Hey y'all. Do you think we can go home? I'm actually really tired." I said

"Yeah. Of course. Want to hangout tomorrow?" Harry asked with a hopeful look.

"Yeah. Sure. Here everyone. Put your phone numbers in my phone and in Kelsey's and we'll text y'all at some point." I said. Kelsey and I gave them our phones and they passed them around. I grabbed mines and looked at their names

HARRYS was Dimples

LOUIS' was LouBear

LIAMS was LiLi

ZAYNS was Zen


Some original names. Okay.

"Okay. I think we should go now. Text you all in a bit." I said.

"Okay!" They all replied. It's about midnight and we'll be home by 12:30. Oh god I'm tired.

"Lukey?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He asked

"Will you carry me?" I asked.

"Sure." He stopped and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and hid my face in the crook of his neck. Today was like a really great day. I had such an amazing time spending time with my amazing boyfriend and my friend. We got to the truck and drove home. When we got home I got Luke to carry me into our apartment we lied down. I got Luke to stay with me because I didn't want to be alone.

*Next morning*

I woke up without anyone next to me. Where's Luke? Umm okay. I picked up my phone and saw that I had 7 texts from Dimples, Lukey, LouBear, Zen, Audrey, Ni, and LiLi. Umm okay. That's a lot of texts. I looked at them all.

Dimples- Hey, love, it was great meeting you last night. You and Luke are cute together. Text me when you wake up.
H.S. sent: 6:30am

I replied- hiìi! Thanks. I really like Luke. I may be falling for him. But okay! Yeah. I'm texting you back. How would you like to hangout later?
A.F. sent: 7:01am

Lukey- hey babe. I'm sorry that you didn't get to wake up next to me. The guys and I had to go to the studio and had to record some songs. How about going out to dinner tonight?
L.H. sent: 6:34am

I replied- okay. I understand boo. Yeah sure. Dinner sounds good. I'll be sure to pick an outfit out. What kind of outfit would I need? Formal? Casual?
A.F. sent- 7:03am

LouBear- hiiiii! So Harry has been talking about you nonstop. How would you like to hangout today? Just text back.
L.T. sent: 6:40am

I replied- hii! I hope Harry has been saying good things about me! Haha! Umm yeah sure. We can hangout! Let's just meet up somewhere? Text me back LouBear!
A.F. sent: 7:06am

Zen- hii! So it was lovely meeting you last night! Would you like to come over today? Perrie is gonna be coming over and I'm sure she'd like to meet ya. Well just text me.
Z.M. sent: 6:43am

I replied- umm yeah. I'd love to meet your lovely fiance! Umm yeah. Louis already invited me to hangout. But yeah. Okay. I'll let ya know what we're doing.
A.F. sent: 7:10am

Audrey- hey!!! Would you maybe want to hangout? I'm about home and like I hadn't sent you in a little while. Maybe you'd want to go to Starbucks or something.
A.S. sent: 6:45am

I replied- hi! Well I dunno. I'm hanging out with the 1D guys. Maybe tomorrow?
A.F. sent: 7:12am

Ni- hiii! Um... there was technically no reason for me to text you. I just wanted to say you seemed like such a lovely person, I just wanted to say hi and that you should tell kelsey to text me. Well bye!!!! Text me back!!!
N.H. sent: 6:50am

I replied- well thanks Ni! I'll be sure to tell her! I'll probably see you later, along with the rest of the guys. Maybe you and the guys would like to go out to breakfast. But okay! Bye bye!
A.F. sent: 7:15am

LiLi- hello Alisha. Well I just wanted to say hi and that all the guys wanted me to text ya cause they all have texted already and yeah. But anyways.... your gonna hangout with us later, right? Anyways... bye!
L.P. sent: 6:55am

I replied- well hi liam! Yeah. I am. I'm pretty sure kelsey is coming with me also! But yeah! Maybe you should bring sophia with ya! I'd love to meet her! And tell Lou to bring Eleanor with him also! But okay. Bye!!
A.F. sent: 7:17am

Okay. That was a lot of texting. Well I think it's time for me to get up and get dressed. I need to kinda clean up my room also. So I should get a move on. Ugh. Okay.

(A/N okay. So this chapter is kinda slow but it's gonna get more interesting soon. Hopefully next chapter. But I had no ideas for the chapter but here ya go. Thanks for reading! Bye bye!)

The Story Of A Good Girls Life (1D/5SOS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora