chapter 15

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Alisha's POV

"Hey, babe, can I use your phone for a sec? I need to call my mum to let her know how I am and that I've found the most amazing girl in the world" Luke said. Right now, me and Luke were laying out. Kelsey, Michael and Audrey was getting something to eat, Cal and Ash were out doing who knows what and Retha was in the restrooms.

"Yeah. Sure." I gave him my phone and he walked away. Well looks like I'm sitting here alone until Retha gets back. I lied down and put my sunglasses on. I was trying to get a tan cause I need a tan. We were still at the water park and we were all just separated for a little while. I felt someone come over and tap me on the shoulder (I was on like one of those lounge chair things) I looked up and saw a really cute guy. (A/N guy up at the top is what the really cute guy looks like. He's really cute! Don't ya think? But anyways... Yeah.- Alisha)

"Umm... hi?" I asked. Oh gosh. I wish I wasn't by myself.

"Hi! I'm Calvin and umm you looked so lonely over here alone, so I thought I'd come say hi. You see, all of my friends went somewhere and so I was just sitting alone but I saw you so I thought I'd say hi, for the third time." He said smiling. This guy seems nice.

"Hi. I'm Alisha and well my boyfriend walked away to call his mom and my other friends are off doing whatever. So I was just trying to get a tan. But it's nice to meet you!" I said

"You too, love." Calvin said. Oh! I just realized he has a British accent! Cool!

"How would you like to hangout with me, my boyfriend and my friends?" I asked. I noticed kelsey and Audrey making their way over here. Where's Michael? I thought to myself.

"Yeah! Sure!" He said.

"Oh! Here are 2 out of the eight of us. This is kelsey and Audrey." I said pointing to them.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Calvin." Calvin said

"Hi!" Audrey said

"Hello. Alisha, can I talk to you?" Kelsey said.

"Yeah. Audrey and Calvin just talk we'll be right back." I said

"So.... Who's the cutie? Where did he come from and just remember you have a boyfriend." Kelsey said.

"He's Calvin. Umm I invited him to hangout with us cause his friends ditched him. And he knows that I've got a boyfriend." I said

"Okay. Let's go swimming!" Kelsey yelled. She ran over and jumped on Audrey.

"I can't!" I called after them. "I'm waiting for Luke!"

"Well do you want us to wait with you?" Audrey asked.

"No. It's fine." They walked off and met up with Michael, Cal and Ash. I wonder where Retha is? She like disappeared. Hmm? I was just standing there when I felt someone grab my waist and pull me back. I screamed and started freaking out.

"Hey, hey, hey." I heard Luke say.

"Oh. It's just you." I said kissing him. We were just making out when I heard Kelsey shout.

"THERE'S A TICK ON MY BUTT! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFFFFFFFFFF!" (A/N well I put it in here kelsey. Are you happy now? But anyways. Yeah. Keep reading.)

I started laughing. So did Luke. Oh my gosh! How does that happen?!

"HELP!" Kelsey was running around screaming and we were all laughing. Oh my gosh. I love her but I'm not gonna get the tick off her butt. Hmm... I know who can get it off her butt.

"Ooooooh Michael!" I yelled

"What?" He asked laughing

"You need to get the tick off her butt. I'm not doing that. And well I don't think anyone else is." I said

"No! Ew!" He yelled

"Come on!" I yelled back at him.

"Gross!" He said

"Pleaseeeeeee! So she'll stop running around screaming! It's getting late and we need to get it over with!" I yelled

"Ugh! Okay!" He said. "Kelsey! I'll get the tick off! Just let me get a lighter." He said. He walked off and asked people who were smoking to borrow a lighter. They gave him one and him and Kelsey walked into a bathroom to get the tick off.

*ten minutes later*

They walked out redder than tomatoes. Oh gosh. It was now about 5:30 pm and I was getting hungry.

"Hey, y'all want to go eat?" I asked them.

"Yeah." They all said. We've been hanging out with Calvin all day. Along with his friend Jai. They are both cute! But I'm dating Luke.

So we made some food and sat around outside. Me and Luke were sitting together. I was on on his lap. Kelsey was sitting with jai. Michael doesn't look to happy. He looks kinda jealous. Michael is sitting with Ash and Audrey. And Calum was with Retha and Calvin. I wonder how old Calvin is? Also Jai. Cause I'm 17, Retha kelsey and Audrey are 16, Luke is 18, Michael and Calum is 19 and Ashton is 20.

"Hey Calvin and jai? How old are y'all?" I asked

"Oh. I'm 19 and Jai is 18." Calvin said

"Oh! That's cool!" I said

It was getting kinda late. We were just all messing around and having a fun time. It was about 9 and I had the perfect idea!

"Y'all! Let's play truth or dare!" I said.

"Yes!" Michael and Kelsey yelled

"Yay!" I said. We all sat in a circle and were starting to play. Hmm.... I wonder how this will end up.?

"I'll start!" Michael yelled "Jai. Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth." He said.

"Why do you and Kelsey seem really close even if you two just met?" He asked.

"Oh... umm... she's my ex girlfriend." He said looking down "we are really close cause we agreed on staying friends." He continued.

"Oh okay." Michael said Looking down. He looked kinda sad. Okay. I need to talk to him about this.

"Retha. Truth or dare." Jai said.

"Truth." She said.

"Out of this group. Who would you want to date.?" He asked

She looked down and blushed "umm... Calvin." She said.

"Aww! Okay. Your turn Retha!" I said

"Truth or dare Alisha." She asked. Hmm... maybe I'll say dare.


"Hmm... I dare you too.... make out with the person on your right." She said. Oh.... Luke was on my right. Okay. That's fine. I stood up and sat on Luke. My knees on either side of him and we leaned forward and met in the middle. We made out for about 10 seconds.

"There. Well I think we should go to bed. It's late and I'm ready for bed." I said.

"Yeah. Okay." Michael said

"Bye Calvin and jai. Wanna hangout tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure" and with that they were walking away. Okay. Me and Luke went into our tent and Kelsey went with Michael. Audrey and Retha. Calum and Ashton. Oh gosh. I'm so tired.

*1 o'clock in the morning*

I woke up to the sound of someone scream. What the heck?!

(A/N Okay. Well here's my chapter and it's like really long. Longer than my normal chapters. But okay. Thanks for reading my book! Well yeah.- Alisha.)

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