Epilogue: The Last Lesson You'll Ever Need

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Jeongguk has never woken up to the sound of the ocean before.

Rowdy neighbors, arguing parents, furious teachers- that he is familiar with. The touch of Taehyung's lips against his cheek, fingers against his waist, the shift of their bed- this too, he knows. This, however- the sound of a gentle tide and the distant squawk of seagulls- this, is unfamiliar.

"Hn," He comes to with a small whine, arms stretching out as his fingers brush against cool sheets. His body no longer aches, the days of healing behind him. He relishes in the pleasant warmth that fills his body as he reaches above his head, toes curling. The windows are open, letting in the island's fresh air and Jeongguk's nose scrunches as he takes a breath, nuzzling into his pillow.

The warmth of the body beside him is there but his eyes blink open when his hand meets the firmness of his thigh, and not his chest. He rolls onto his side, looking up to see his king sitting up against the headboard. His eyes are closed, his chest rising and falling slowly. There's a line of tension in his brow, his hands limp in his lap. It's almost out of place with the serenity around them.

"Taehyungie?" Jeongguk whispers and the king's eyes flutter open. They focus on him quickly, alert despite whatever seems to be bothering him. "Are you okay?"

He's worried- of course he is. They've been through more in the last week than they've ever had to in their entire lives- and while Taehyung has shown more outward vulnerability recently than he ever had before he still tends to keep what bothered him to himself.

Jeongguk frowns, pushing himself up to sit beside him. The sheer fabric of his top slips around his shoulders. Taehyung's eyes linger briefly on the soft bruises around his throat and it's as natural as breathing for Jeongguk to tip his head to the side, letting him admire. They've only been here for a day, having arrived the night before, and Jeongguk is already marked the way they both loved. Nothing further than urgent kisses and hickeys that made Jeongguk whine from sensitivity, but it was enough. For now.

"I'm fine, my darling," Taehyung's rasps and Jeongguk's eyes narrow. The wounds may be gone, but they know neither of them are fine. They stare at each other for a moment before the king's lips curl into a smile. "It's just a headache. I will be fine."

"It seems like it's more than that." Jeongguk's lips push into a pout and he crawls closer, reaching up to push Taehyung's hair off his forehead, behind his ear. His fingers trail down his neck, over where a wound that never should have been there had been made. Deep gouges into his skin, someone else's mark on Taehyung's body. "I didn't know you could get headaches."

"Mm, neither did I," Taehyung's eyes close at the contact, a sigh leaving his lips as Jeongguk's fingers drag down to the base of his skull, rubbing softly. His head tips back and Jeongguk kisses his chin, making him smile. "I have never pushed myself to my limit before." His lips part with another sigh as Jeongguk kisses up his jaw, keeping his touch gentle. "I am still recovering."

It doesn't seem fair, Jeongguk thinks. That the love of his life is in so much discomfort and all Jeongguk can do to make it better is play with his hair.

The moon's light casts soft shadows in the room, the sun long gone by this hour.

"Do not worry, my love." Taehyung murmurs, and his eyes open to meet Jeongguk's again. "It will pass."

Jeongguk thinks about how they were meant to go outside today, that they had spent days whispering about all the things they were going to do on the honeymoon they had promised each other. "Taehyungie, let's stay inside today." He says, fingers still pushing through his hair.

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