Chapter 17: The Past Meets The Present

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There's a moment of silence as she stares at him, clearly surprised by her wide-eyed stare. "Yes, I am," she says slowly, and her arms wrap tighter around her body, "how do you know who I am?"

It's no surprise she doesn't recognize him after so many years, but it stings anyway. Sooyoung had raised him, had been his rock for so many years, but it was no surprise. It had been nearly six, seven years since they had last seen each other. Even just beyond physically, he was a very different person from the man she had last seen as he had packed his bags.

"Shields, restrain her," Taehyung orders, and in a blink Soobin and Yeonjun are at Sooyoung's side, pulling her wrists behind her back. She goes easily, still staring at Jeongguk. "Take her to the Citadel. Jimin, let's go."

The king turns then, stepping in front of Jeongguk.

"My love," Jeongguk looks up at him, silent. "Are you ready to go home?" Taehyung's voice is softer, gentle; his lips dip into a frown as his hands lift to cradle his jaw. His dark, dark eyes watch Jeongguk carefully, a thumb brushing over his cheek.

He can see Soobin leading Sooyoung away, a hand at her elbow. Her hands are restrained behind her back, something shiny locked around her wrists. Yeonjun follows his partner closely. "Yeah," he leans into his palm with a sigh, "let's go home." There's a strain in his voice that doesn't go unnoticed by his king and Taehyung's lips purse.

"Your Majesty," Jimin turns to them, the sword sheathed and holstered at his side. "The car is ready."

"Thank you, Jimin," Taehyung doesn't look at him as he speaks, his gaze firmly on Jeongguk, the king's sword's steps fading into the distance as he follows after the Shields.

"Taehyungie," Jeongguk can't keep the warble from his voice, eyes widening as he stares at his king, hands reaching out to grip at his coat, "Taehyungie, please tell me that was just a coincidence." He begs, and he watches as Taehyung's brow pinches. "Taehyungie, please."

"Darling," Taehyung pulls him close, lips pressing against his temple, "deep breathes," he murmurs and Jeongguk follows the instruction with a shaky inhale, hands clenching around the fabric between his fingers. "Her intentions are still unclear," he says. "She is scared and does not know who we are," he explains and Jeongguk doesn't know if that makes him feel better.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asks, voice cracking, and Taehyung nods, kissing his forehead again.

"They are simply following procedure with a possible feral fledgling." Jeongguk thinks about the shackles around her wrist, the frightened look in her eyes. "My sweet, we must take every precaution that she was not sent on purpose. She will be restrained, albeit safe. We will not harm her unless she gives us cause to."

"Why didn't you do the same to me when we met?" Jeongguk suddenly asks and he hears a soft noise of confusion from his king. "I was- am- a feral fledgling. Why didn't you restrain me too?"

There's a moment of silence as Taehyung's arms wrap tight around his body, hands over his spine.

"Darling, at this moment I am the most powerful vampire this side of the world," he nuzzles against his hair, lips brushing over his ear. "If not for my position, then certainly for my gifts. A fledgling with stars in his eyes that apologizes for getting blood on the carpet is not a threat."

Jeongguk can't stop the giggle that leaves his lips, pressing his face closer until he's tucked safely in Taehyung's shoulder, face in his neck. His hands shift behind his back, lifting to hook over his shoulders. He holds him tightly and is held just as tightly in return.

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