Chapter 27: All One Can Do Is Weather The Storm

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There's a shift in the next few days. Something in the air that seems to be affecting them all.

Jeongguk fights the urge to roll his eyes as he leans back in his throne. One leg crosses over the other, jeweled fingers linking over his knee as the Lords speak over him.

They've been at it for nearly an hour now, arguing amongst each other. He's long since forgotten the topic, but it's clear they haven't. He simply watches, listens. He doesn't know much about body language or how people speak, but he knows Taehyung does.

They are as useless as ever, his husband murmurs in his ear and Jeongguk lifts a hand to cover his smile, pretending to tuck his hair behind his ear.

Seokjin snaps something from his spot beside him and Jeongguk watches as both Jongil and Minhyuk take the bait, fangs bared. Jeongguk is sure if he had paid more attention to their meetings before their wedding the sight wouldn't be so surprising- but as it is, when his husband is in the room Taehyung is the only thing that holds his attention.

There's a squeeze around his waist at the thought and Jeongguk shifts in place, a shiver running up his spine. So sweet to me, Taehyung hums and Jeongguk bites his lip. There's another shout from around the table but Jeongguk ignores it. He's focused only on the way he can feel fingers trailing up his spine, Taehyung's presence heavy in his mind. However he has a responsibility and he forces himself to at least appear as if he's paying attention, shifting to prop his hand on his fist.

Jeongguk watches as Jimin's lips pull back in a snarl and he pushes himself to his feet. His chair scrapes across the floor and a few of the Shields along the wall flinch at the noise.

"Useless!" he snaps, and Jeongguk doesn't hide his smile this time. "Every single one of you."

"Jimin-," Namjoon looks like he wants to interrupt, Hoseok already pushing himself to his feet to reach for his counterpart, but they're both stopped by a low voice.

"Watch your tone, Park," Yi drawls, and Jeongguk observes how Jimin's eyes blaze.

He looks properly angry, his entire body tensed for action. "I will not-,"

But the Lord continues, lazy fingers tracing over the edge of the crystal glass in front of him. The red inside tempts Jeongguk's nose but he can resist, eyes and ears focused on the Lord. He has to.

"You have gotten too brave since your liege passed," Yi says and Jimin's jaw clenches. "It is truly a miracle our Majesty would continue to allow a rabid dog at his side, considering your reckless behavior." Jimin fists clench at his sides and Yi's lips curve into a slow smile. "I commend you for your self-control," the Lord says and Jeongguk can hear Taehyung grumble about his attitude, can almost see his teeth grinding as he listens to how Jimin is treated.

"I'd ask you to watch your tone yourself," Jeongguk interrupts, and Yi's gaze drifts over. "My husband is dead, but I'm still here," he says, chin still propped on his hand. He smiles, nose scrunching. "I won't hesitate to remove you from your position if you keep causing trouble." He speaks simply, and Yi's brow raises, surprised.

"Is that a threat, Your Majesty?" he asks, and Jeongguk only smiles. He can't tell if his lack of response impresses or perturbs the Lord. "Noted," the elderly vampire murmurs, reaching out to lift his glass to his lips. Jeongguk forces himself to look away from the red in the cup, to ignore the scent that wafts into the air.

Jimin turns to give Jeongguk a quick look and the queen relaxes, leaning back in the throne. Taehyung's soft touch has stopped but he can still feel his fingers over his spine, frozen in place. Curious, Taehyung says, and Jeongguk silently agrees.

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