Chapter 13: A Dagger In The Dark

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There's the sound of soft music in the air, the sound of voices over the tinkling of crystal glasses as they step closer, a cacophony of elegance filling their ears.

Solar gives him a smile as they approach the staircase, his grip on her elbow tightening over so slightly. "I'll go down first," she says as she turns to him, letting his hand drop. "You have minor support, but most don't accept you. They're going to pretend they want to get to know you, but they're simply looking for ammunition against you." She warns, and she squeezes his hands. "Me and my girls are behind you, but I'm not exactly a fan favorite either."

Solar glances over her shoulder then; brow furrowing, painted lips pursed.

"They're assholes." She says plainly, and Jeongguk can't help but laugh.

"Good to know." He moves as if to say more, thank her for her help- maybe even apologize about the situation with the dress- but there's a sudden hush that falls over the room. It's heavy, but familiar, and his heart clenches.

She moves towards the stairs, gives him a grin. "He's waiting for you." She descends then, the sleeves of her gown trailing behind her. A river of royal blue slipping down the marble steps.

Jeongguk edges closer, fingers brushing the banister. He can just barely see the tops of their heads from his height, the glint of jewels in the low light.

There's a murmur of a familiar voice, Solar's responding with a soft laugh.

Are you going to make me wait, my love? Taehyung asks, a soft teasing lilt to his voice as it whispers in his mind.

Jeongguk bites his lip, takes slow steps forward.

Would you? He thinks, and a soft laugh echoes in his mind.


It's the seriousness in his tone that makes him grip the railing, makes him take the first step down. He's shaking, but he forces it down. Forces himself to keep his chin up.

He can do this. He will do this.

The main hall is full of people he's never seen before, full of people that have never met him either, but it's only the man at the base of the staircase that he cares about. The only eyes he wants on him, the only voice he wants to hear.

Oh, Jeongguk thinks, eyes locking on the tall figure at the base of the steps.

Taehyung's eyes are wide, lips parted in the most obvious look of surprise Jeongguk has ever seen on his face. Jeongguk can't take his eyes off of him, equally as stunned by the king, as the king is by him.

Taehyung climbs the stairs slowly, eyes locked on Jeongguk as he descends.

His hand reaches up, palm up for him to take. Ever the perfect gentlemen.

"Darling," Taehyung breathes as Jeongguk takes his hand, biting back a smile, "you look..."

He trails off, eyes roaming down his body just to jump back up, taking everything from his lipstick to the edge of his heel under his skirt. His hand is warm in his own, holding him tightly, securely.


The king lets out a noise of disbelief, gently guiding Jeongguk onto the same step. The heels give him the slightest height advantage and he takes great pleasure in the way Taehyung looks up at him, dark lashes framing darker eyes.

"Divine," he corrects, and Jeongguk feels his heart stutter. "You look absolutely divine." His free hand loops around his waist, pulls him in. Leans in to kiss the corner of his mouth, pressing their bodies closer. "You are a dream." He sighs and Jeongguk turns, catching his lower lip in a soft kiss.

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