Chapter 15: The Taste of Sugar, Laughter, and Forgotten Memories

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"This is what happens when you skip practice!" Hoseok grunts, the bokken in his hands slamming into Jimin's side.

Jeongguk flinches at the loud smack, curling up on the seat he had claimed hours before. That sounded like it was going to bruise, he thinks with a wince. If he was human that would have resulted in shattered ribs. However, Jimin shrugs it off quickly enough, lunging forward again.

It's impressive to watch the two of them square off, Jeongguk thinks. It's like they're in their own world, only focused on the fight.

"'Never seen Captain Jung sweat like that," a voice behind him whispers, and Jeongguk looks over his shoulder to see Soobin and Yeonjun watching the sparring match with wide eyes. Soobin shifts in place, arms crossed behind his back. "Lord Jimin is... terrifying."

"Is he that strong?" Jeongguk asks, and the two Shields' mouths snap shut, straightening up at his voice. He pouts, twisting in his seat, more interested in their conversation than the fight. "Hey," he whines, pulling his knees up to his chest, "don't be like that, I'm curious."

There's another smack of wood and Yeonjun's eyes drag over to the fight before they snap back to Jeongguk. "They were chosen as King Taehyung's Sword and Shield for a reason," the blue-haired boy says, and Jeongguk hums. "Captain Jung has held his position since Former King Yoongi."

"Lord Jimin was the first Lord appointed in King Taehyung's reign," Soobin adds, lowering his voice. "He earned his position with blood. Only the strongest are trusted to protect the King."

Jeongguk turns back to the fight then. He watches how the two dance around each other, practice swords held aloft. There is strength and experience in each of their movements, each strike carefully calculated. "What would it take for me to learn how to fight like that?"

There's a split second of silence before- "What?"

Jeongguk can't help but grin at their dumbfounded expressions, but before he can respond there's the smack of something hitting the floor behind him and he turns just in time to see Jimin pin Hoseok to the floor.

"No way," one of the other Shields in the room mutters.

Jimin laughs, bright and hearty as he smacks the captain on the back"Good fight," he praises, and Hoseok groans from his spot on the floor. There's a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, but neither of them seems concerned about it.

"Go fuck yourself," Hoseok growls.

"Ah, language," Jimin tuts cheekily, and he glances over to where Jeongguk is curled up, "His Highness is still watching."

Jeongguk hates that his immediate reaction is to pout, arms crossing over his chest. "I'm younger than you, but I'm not a child."

"Of course not, Your Highness, my apologies" Hoseok laughs, and he tosses the bokken in his hands to one of the other Shields. "Now, what was it you asked before?" He steps closer, grabbing his jacket from the floor. "About wanting to fight like that?"

"Oh," Jeongguk flushes at his intense stare, straightening up in his seat. The soles of his boots scuff across the floor as his legs swing under the seat. "I was just thinking that maybe it'd be good if... I learned to fight too. Everyone else is so strong, and I feel kind of,-" He cuts himself off, resisting the urge to look over his shoulder again at his Shields. "I just feel like I could be using my time better, that's all."

"You've already killed for the king once," Jimin points out, and Jeongguk's stomach flips.

That's true, he thinks. Days and days ago when the assassin had dared even think about killing Taehyung. When Jeongguk had ripped his throat out with no remorse, had watched as his blood-soaked his dress and had moaned as Taehyung had kissed the red from his face, licked it from his fingers.

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