Chapter 25: The Color of Strength, Authority, and Death

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Black is the color of elegance, the color of elegance, and sophistication.

It's also the color of death. It's the color of mourning.

Jeongguk's lip curls as he adjusts the fabric draping over his legs. He doesn't like it.

It feels wrong to be dressed in such false colors. His rings still sits on his finger, as do the earrings Taehyung had gifted him months ago, but he is otherwise quite... bland. He feels like he's made his mark as the bloodstain at Taehyung's side, the little monster dressed in red tucked under his arm.

Jeongguk twists, watching how his sleeves glide across the floor as he spins. When he stops he reaches up to adjust his crown, fingers tucking his hair behind his ear. He has a part to play, and everything needs to be perfect.

Everything, he repeats to himself, spine straightening. Everything from his clothes, his jewelry, his posture, his attitude- everything. The word is like a weight pressing over his shoulders, like hands grasping at his ankles threatening to trip him up and drag him under.

He blinks at himself in the mirror, eyes tracing the barely concealed circles under his eyes. "C'mon," he murmurs to himself, tongue darting over the tint on his lips. "We can do this."

Then, like an answer to his whispered prayer, a memory surfaces.

Phantom hands cup his waist and his eyes close as Taehyung whispers in his ear, a memory of them in almost this exact same position sitting at the forefront of his mind. It's almost as if he can feel Taehyung pressing up against his back, can feel the warmth between their bodies.

You put so much pressure on yourself, my love, Taehyung sighs and Jeongguk's lip finds its way between his teeth.

"If one thing goes wrong-,"

Jeongguk shudders at the near growl Taehyung lets out, his voice deep in his mind. Do not doubt yourself now, he says, and Jeongguk is reminded of their conversation when he woke up.

He stares at himself in the mirror, alone. His head full of Taehyung's presence, his skin tingling with the touches he can't feel, and the glass full of only himself.

"I'm ready," he says, fingers smoothing over his gown again. He hears Taehyung hum and he sees his crown shift as Taehyung centers it.

Always so strong and beautiful, his husband says, a sigh in his voice, and Jeongguk's cheeks bloom pink.

He turns away from the mirror and he watches as the door to the closet opens untouched. "You're pushing yourself too far," he chides quietly, fingers pinching at his skirt. There's an amused little huff in his ear and then he watches as the seat to his vanity is pushed in. "Taehyungie," he starts, lips pursed, but he's quickly interrupted.

This is nothing to me, angel, Taehyung says. With my concentration away from the Veil I have a wider reach than ever. Do not worry about me.

And really, Jeongguk has no frame of reference for if his husband is telling the truth or not. He huffs, resisting the urge to pout. "Fine," he says, "be that way." There's another soft laugh but Taehyung is silent, the door to the bedroom pushed open.

Soobin stands tall, a hand over his heart as he bows in greeting.

"Are they ready for me?" Jeongguk asks and the Shield nods. "Perfect," he says quietly and he moves to follow the boy out of the room. Yeonjun steps up to his back and they guide him to the stairs, silent.

He has an inkling of what is waiting for him as he descends the steps, holding his skirt between his fingertips. He hooks a hand around Soobin's elbow, letting the Shield guide him down. He sees how the servants eye him as he passes, their expressions carefully controlled.

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