Chapter 21: The Lowest Ebb Is The Turn Of The Tide

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Where once Taehyung had been opposed to a party, now he almost seems to revel in it.

Jeongguk giggles as he's tugged back against Taehyung's chest, skirt swishing around his legs. Taehyung's fingers twine with his, lips against his own as they shift to the side.

"I thought Taehyungie didn't like to dance," Jeongguk whispers into the kiss, following his king's lead. There's a laugh against his cheek and Jeongguk lets himself be twisted around, heels clicking against the marble floors. The music sways as they step between the other couples.

The room is packed full. Lords and the respected of their covens filling the hall, vampires Jeongguk had never met before clamoring to speak with their king and future queen. He knows it's only because of Taehyung's position, but it's strange nonetheless.

"You are thinking so hard, my dear," Taehyung says into his ear, hand slipping around his back to pull him in closer. "Are you unhappy?"

Except, Jeongguk only laughs and shakes his head, head tipping to catch his lips again. "'Never unhappy with you," he smiles.

They've slowed to a slow sway side to side and Jeongguk lets himself curl into Taehyung's body, face tucked into his neck and hands flat against his shoulder blades.

"'Still doesn't feel real," he murmurs as Taehyung's lips ghost over his exposed shoulder. At the king's questioning hum he continues, his voice still soft. "Doesn't feel real that we're gonna get married."

"Oh, it's very real," Taehyung says and Jeongguk's smile widens. "It'll be here soon, my love."

They'd begun planning merely a day after their engagement and Jeongguk was having more fun than he'd ever thought possible giving his opinion on decorations and color swatches. He'd even been told that the woman who'd become his personal seamstress was taking the lead on his dress.

It was overwhelming and absolutely unbelievable- but Jeongguk was so, so excited. He'd never known he could want something this badly.

His thumb rubbed over the smooth metal of his ring as he buried his face in Taehyung's shoulder. It was like a dream, a fairy tale from a book he might have read when he was little. He was the princess getting swept up in the arms of her prince charming. Except he was no princess and Taehyung was certainly no prince charming.

He was a king, the king, and Jeongguk would be the queen at his side. He would take the proverbial throne beside him- his words will carry just as much weight as Taehyung's do.

"You will be a wonderful queen," Taehyung murmurs in his ear and Jeongguk's head lifts to meet his eyes.

"How do you know?" Jeongguk can't help the air of insecurity in his voice, the words of doubt crawling into his mind. He's known for a while what would be expected of him if he stayed with Taehyung- and he was always going to stay- but the reality was... hard to grasp.

But Taehyung's smile softens and his hands move to pull Jeongguk's from around his body. "Darling," there's something like admonishment in his voice and Jeongguk's face turns towards the floor. A finger tips his chin back up, a thumb brushing over his cheek. "You have shown the qualities of a great ruler from the moment we met," Taehyung says and Jeongguk blinks.

"I have?"

They are still swaying slowly as Taehyung nods. "You are aware appearances can be deceiving, you are questioning but not suspicious of most."

"Curious, maybe, is the right word," he continues; Jeongguk's eyes widen as he speaks with such finality- confident in his opinion, "You are kind to a fault, always wiling to extend that hand of friendship." Jeongguk thinks of Solar then, and Jin, and Jimin, and Yoongi.

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