Chapter 10: An Immortal Has No Need For Social Constructs

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Their steps echo down the empty halls, silently passing the men standing stiffly by the walls. 'Shields', Taehyung had called them before.

"Guards. Soldiers." Taehyung informs as they walk, Jeongguk's hand hooked around his elbow; the younger smiles at the answer to his unspoken question, squeezing his arm lightly. The men don't give them a look, hands held at their back as the king sweeps past them. "My shields, as well as my sword when the circumstance calls for it."

"I thought Jimin was your sword?" Jeongguk asks, brow furrowing. The terms were unfamiliar, as unfamiliar as the rest of their world.

"He's my sword when we have no other option." Taehyung clarifies, and Jeongguk's eyes widen at the sight of the large descending staircase they stop before. "Here, the true sword and shield of the crown stay." Then, with a gentle tug of his hand, Jeongguk finds himself being led down the marble steps.

The farther they descend Jeongguk can hear muffled voices, the occasional shout and the pop of gunshots. A shooting range, maybe, he thinks. Taehyung looks unbothered by the noise so he allows himself to relax, following his lead.

Eventually, they stop, plush carpeting under their feet as they turn the corner. Jeongguk's eyes widen even further as he takes in the dozens of young men scattered around the room. Some are simply lounging against the walls, some sparring lightly. Almost on a dime all of their heads snap up at the entrance of their king and they jump to their feet, hands behind their back.

Taehyung eyes them silently and Jeongguk curls into his side, suddenly a little shy. Taehyung might have had centuries to get used to the attention, but he can't help but squirm a little.

"Ah, Your Majesty!" A new voice breaks the silence and they both turn to see a dark-haired man step into the main room. There's a heavy jacket over his shoulders, legs wrapped in tight leather. Jeongguk notes that the crest on his breast matches the ones on the clothes of the others around the room. "What do we owe the pleasure?" The new man's eyes only shift over to Jeongguk briefly before they focus back on Taehyung, a bright smile on his lips.

"I have a complaint, Captain," Taehyung says plainly, and the Captain's smile falters.

"Of?" He asks, lips turning into a frown. Jeongguk wonders if this a rarity, wonders if

"Yesterday two of your Shields failed in their job to protect my darling, Jeongguk." The boy in question flushes as both men turn to acknowledge him. "He was left alone for hours while I was dealing with a... rat problem."

Hoseok seems to understand if the sudden furrow in his brow is any indicator. He turns to look over his shoulder, expression turning stormy. "Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin. Front and center." He orders and Jeongguk watches two boys- and they were certainly still just boys- quickly scurry forward at his call. They're both tall, young, fresh-faced. Jeongguk thinks if he was human he would think they were just college students, still chubby-cheeked and doe-eyed.

The hard look in their eyes as they stand at attention says otherwise, however. They are young, but they are still soldiers. He doesn't know whether to be saddened by that thought, or impressed.

"Were you or were you not ordered to shadow and protect Jeon Jeongguk the moment the King left the Citadel?" Hoseok asks, arms crossing over his chest. There's a harshness to his tone that wasn't present when he spoke with Taehyung and the boys both straighten up even further.

"We were." They both chime, and Jeongguk feels his heart clench.

"Did you or did you not disobey that order?"

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