Chapter 31: Even In Death I Am Yours

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"We need to talk about last week!"

Jeongguk startles as Yongsun suddenly bursts into the room, cheeks flushed from either the weather outside or the rush up the stairs. He stares wide-eyed as the door slams behind her, a makeup brush in hand.

"Uh," Jeongguk blinks, confused, but she only stomps forward and waves a wide hand at him.

"Last week! When we went out and got jumped!" She doesn't sound angry but Jeongguk jumps a bit at her volume, still surprised by her sudden intrusion. "Jeonggukkie, please don't play dumb with me right now- not with all the shit going on." Yongsun drops down onto his vanity's seat beside him, straddling the bench. "I tried to just wait and see if you'd talk to me yourself but obviously that's not happening here. So. What happened? What is going to happen?"

It's silent for a moment and then Jeongguk drops the brush onto his vanity, brow furrowing. "Jaehyun came to talk to me that night, actually, after I got inside," he starts and her eyes go wide. "I don't know why, but he wanted to know if I was okay."

"What the hell..." she breathes and he nods, shifting to prop a hand on his knuckles.

He can feel that long-familiar chill down his spine and he holds back a smile knowing that Taehyung is listening in as well. "I called Hoseok to come talk to me the next morning," he continues and she nods, listening. "The boy, Jihan- the one who attacked me- has been...recruited into the Shields." Rather forcibly, he thinks, but he also thinks that's better than the much bloodier alternative.

"What about Jaehyun though? Why did he want to talk?" Yongsun presses, chewing on her lip, brow furrowed as she tries to think.

"I don't know," Jeongguk says truthfully but that only seems to perplex her more.

"Guk, I don't think I need to tell you how out of character that is for him," she says and he nods, remembering her words from a week before. "He doesn't just...drop by unannounced."

Jeongguk tucks his hair behind his ear, thinking. "Well, whatever his reasoning, I sent him away."

Yongsun grins at that, her shoulders finally relaxing. "You did?"

"Of course," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I have all the company and comfort I could ever need," he taps a finger over his temple and her smile softens, eyes crinkling as her dimples pop. There's a

"What did the captain say? About everything?" She asks after a moment and Jeongguk rolls his eyes, turning back to his vanity. She watches as he reaches for a concealer, tipping his face towards his mirror.

"He wants to increase security," he says, his displeasure clear in his tone.

"I'm gonna go ahead and assume you said 'no'."

"Of course I did," Jeongguk scoffs, and Yongsun nods. It's clear she isn't very happy with his decision either, but he's glad she doesn't say anything. "And I'm going to keep telling him the same thing every time he asks."

They're silent for a moment as Jeongguk blends the makeup under his eyes, Yongsun letting out a soft sigh as she leans an elbow on the vanity's edge. She seems to be deep in thought

"Hey, noona," he starts after a minute, "was that all you-?" There's a knock before he can continue, the two of them turning to see Yeonjun step inside with a bewildered look.

"There is a ... gift for you, Your Majesty," he says, Soobin following him in.

Yongsun gasps as the 'gift' is revealed and Jeongguk's eyes get a little wide. It's a bouquet of roses- big and beautiful. Artificial black petal spilling over the crystal vase.

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