Chapter 32: The Taste Of Blood, Secrets, and Pain

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remind yourself of the warnings.


There's something to be said about vampires and their parties, Jeongguk knows. He's been to a few now, has been the main spectacle in all of them for various reasons.

But never alone. He's always had Taehyung at his side, an arm tight around his waist.

He's always been there with a kiss for his cheek, a soft word in his ear. Always ready to whisk him away at the first sign of distress.

Here, now, standing in a hall full of people all there to finally be introduced to their new sovereign- he's alone.

Jeongguk hadn't known it was going to happen, hadn't known it was even needed, but that hadn't stopped the planning or the decorations or the servants who had helped zip him into his gown. It's something Seokjin had put together- the party.

'A chance to see your suspects in another light,' he had said, and even Taehyung had agreed.

I wish I was there to relieve some of your boredom, my love, his husband suddenly says, maybe called by Jeongguk's daydreaming. His parties are absolutely dreadful.

The queen grins to himself, pretending he is listening to the conversation happening around him. Jongil is currently beside him, going off about his recent successes with his investments. He seems to take Jeongguk's smile as pride and he puffs up, hands waving as he continues.

Jeongguk doesn't have the heart to tell him he hasn't been listening to a single word the man has said. But he thinks about how it's okay that he's alone for the moment, because he doesn't think Taehyung would be able to handle seeing him in his current dress.

His husband laughs softly. You always look stunning, angel, he says and Jeongguk's fingers grip at the sleeves of his that dusts across the floor. The weight of the diamonds draping over his shoulders make him stand taller, chin up to show off the choker wrapped around his throat.

The only color he wears is the red of his crown, the rest a deep, pitch black. Like Taehyung's eyes, he thinks, and he likes that.

But he wants a distraction so he wonders what Taehyung has been up to and there's a soft sigh that bounces around his skull. Jongil continues with his story, still blissfully unaware of the silent conversation happening around him.

I felt something peculiar earlier, Taehyung starts and Jeongguk shifts his weight, pretending to give the room a once over. He can see Yongsun across the hall, two girls he's never seen on her arm. Moonbyul is behind them, standing tall. It has brought me closer to the citadel, actually, and oh, Jeongguk's heart aches at his words. It hurts to hear that his husband is so close but still so, so far away. I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry. But he doesn't need an apology, and Taehyung knows that. As much as I absolutely loathe to admit it, I do believe my gift is being actively... blocked is not quite the right word, but it is the closest.

Jeongguk's brow pinches, watching how Jongil finally bows, taking his leave of the queen's time.

He wants to know what Taehyung means, and he hears another sigh. More frustrated this time, tired.

It is as if there is a blanket laid over parts of my city, parts that my gift is incapable of breaking through. I am able to hear and feel the thoughts and feelings of those outside of it, but within I am incapable.

Jeongguk shifts on his feet and turns to see more of the room, the corner of his mouth dipping into a frown. He can see Yeonjun and Soobin standing just a few feet away, focused.

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