Chapter 11: You Saw The Hollow Soul Inside

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It's strange to walk through the halls and have staff bow to him as he passes. He's so used to being ignored that the sudden attention he received when he arrived was nerve-wracking, anxiety-inducing, for the first few days.

He's only been in the Citadel for a few weeks but he thinks he's more adjusted now, despite the unfamiliarity. The Shields ahead him throw a wrench in that, but he'll adjust.

He needs to.

He needs to learn more about this world. He needs to fill in the gaps that were purposefully left by Sangmin.

Jeongguk scowls at the memory even as his skin crawls. It's only been a few days since his memories were returned but it's still... unsettling. He feels like he should have been strong enough to resist his advances, smart enough to see past the lies that seem so obvious now.

His fingers twist around the edge of Taehyung's shirt.

He doesn't feel dumb or weak with Taehyung. He doesn't feel helpless. Taehyung is stronger than him, yes, but he doesn't hold it against him. Literally or figuratively. He's seen how the king is respected, seen how he's feared. He's seen people shake at the sight of him- but they don't see his softness.

They don't get the privilege to see how Taehyung touches him, dotes on him, kisses him. They don't hear the gentle tone of his voice or hear the sweet names that fall from his lips.

Only Jeongguk gets that. Only he gets that privilege.

He's suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when the Shields came to a stop, hands reaching for the large door's handles. They were in front of the meeting room, the same one Taehyung had taken his throne back in weeks ago. There's a hush that falls over the room when the doors swing open but Jeongguk forces himself to relax as he steps into the room. There are curious eyes on him but he ignores them.

He is focused on only one.

Taehyung's eyes had snapped to the door the moment he had walked in and he stared unabashedly as Jeongguk stepped past the seated Lords. They aren't all there, but he recognizes the ones that are there. There are seven seated, Shields at their back. Five men- including the left and right hand of the king, and his shield- and two women.

"Sweet thing," Taehyung murmurs once he's close, holding a hand out, "what are you doing wandering the Citadel?" The twinkle in his eye says he knows exactly why.

Jeongguk takes his hand, letting himself be guided forward. Taehyung's eyes suddenly lock on the collar of his shirt, brow furrowing with each step Jeongguk takes. "'Missed you." He admits. "I was lonely by myself."

He forgets they're not alone as he gets wrapped up in Taehyung's stare. He twists and sits on his lap, letting the king curl a firm around his waist, fingers brushing over the soft material of his shirt. He crosses his ankles, leans into his shoulder. His own fingers play with the buttons of Taehyung's jacket.

"Is this my shirt?" Taehyung asks, eyes still focused on the material, and Jeongguk flushes.

"Smelled like you." He mutters, a little embarrassed now.

However, he's saved from his embarrassment by a sudden cough. He freezes and looks up from their laps, wide-eyed as he meets the gazes of the Lords.

"Well, aren't you pretty?" One of the women says with a smile.

Taehyung's grip tightens but Jeongguk only smiles, taken in by her sweet voice and gentle face. She's dressed decadently, fur wrapped around her shoulders and sparkling jewels at her throat.

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