Chapter 3: A Test Taken, A Test Passed

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When they leave Jeongguk can't help but notice that not a single person looks their way. Nurses go on their way, doctors step around them without a care in the world. Even a few patients walking the halls done give them a second look.

No one even gives the floating suitcases behind them a single glance.

"Taehyungie," Jeongguk whispers, fingers clutching tightly at the lace ruffle of the older man's sleeve, "where are we going?"

The older vampire had been feeding him daily since they had met almost two weeks ago. Jeongguk has never felt more spoiled in his life and all Taehyung did was fill a glass every few hours.

There was something special about his blood, though. It would fill him so well, he would drink until he couldn't take anymore and-

Jeongguk flushes at the memories and clings a little tighter to Taehyung as the man only shifts to wrap an arm around his body. They've only gotten more physical with each other the longer they've spent together, Jeongguk would almost call himself excessively clingy if he didn't know Taehyung enjoyed the contact.

"I told you before, angel," Taehyung says lowly as he lifts a hand to wordlessly tell the doors to slide open. Jeongguk resists a finch at the overwhelming smell of human that coats the air as it wafts inside. "We're going to the Citadel."

There's that word again, Jeongguk thinks. It's like every time Taehyung opens his mouth he's saying something that Jeongguk doesn't understand, referencing something he's never seen, or heard of. His eyes dart around as they take their first steps outside. The cool night air nips at his skin. It makes his ears flush and a shiver runs down his spine but Taehyung's palm smoothes over it. He speaks before Jeongguk has the chance to ask.

"It is the center of the vampires." There's something strange in his voice. Jeongguk looks up into his eyes, the man suddenly seeming larger than life as he holds a hand out. There's a strange crunch of metal and he turns to see a car start to roll their way. "It is also my home."

"What-?" He gasps, eyes wide, but Taehyung gently nudges him forward. As the car rolls closer Jeongguk can now see that there is no one behind the wheel and he stares, astonished. Only Taehyung remains nonchalant as the car curves around to park in front of them, Taehyung's hands outstretched as he guides it.

"Trust me, precious." He laughs softly, and Jeongguk lets himself be maneuvered into the comfortable leather seats. The trunk pops open without a single touch and Jeongguk hears the suitcases slide in before it slams shut again. Then Taehyung twists his hand, curls a couple of fingers, and Jeongguk watches with wide eyes as the car starts and shifts into gear. He turns to the older man and gapes, watches as the vampire only gives him a small smirk. "Oh, your world is about to become so much bigger, my sweet." His voice is soft, his touch even softer.

Taehyung's hand pushes through Jeongguk's hair, longer than it's been in years, his thumb gentle as it passes over his lower lip. He tilts his head as Jeongguk parts his lips, lets his thumb press his behind his teeth, lets it pull back and gently taps over his fangs.

It's intimate, it's so intimate, but Jeongguk feels nothing but comfortable in Taehyung's arms. They've only known each other for two weeks but nothing feels more right than the way Taehyung touches him. His skin crawls at even the thought of another man touching him.

"How were we able to just...leave?" Jeongguk asks once Taehyung pulls his finger back, gently cups his jaw as they stare at each other. He resists the urge to crawl into his lap, although he knows he can't hide anything from the telepath. He's a little embarrassed by his lack of restraint.

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