Chapter 24: And So It Begins

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Jeongguk has not woken up alone, truly alone, in months.

His eyes blink open slowly, staring up at the darkened ceiling. The bed is wide open on either side of him, but he does not spread out.

It's cold, being alone. Being lonely.

It's been twelve hours since the Citadel had been told their king was murdered by the hands of his husband. Their first night as newlyweds ending with blood dripping from Jeongguk's face, his hands stained red.

His first act as Queen.

His hand stretches far above him, fingers spread out. Tired eyes stare at the ring on his finger. I miss you, he thinks. I miss you so much. He feels like he's in a fog, every move slow and weighted like his heart in his chest. But there's a whisper in his mind, a touch like fingers sliding between his own.

You always have me, Taehyung's voice curls around his mind and Jeongguk nearly gasps at the relief that pulses through his body. You never have to miss what you will always have.

Jeongguk's palms press over his eyes and he takes a deep breath, and then another.

There's the phantom press of fingers against his cheek and he forces himself to not cry.

He won't, not right now.

Not while Taehyung is gone, away from him.

He can't afford the weakness.

Oh, my love. Taehyung says sadly, but Jeongguk quickly shakes his head.

"No," he whispers, "No, I'm okay." He repeats it, trying to convince himself. "I'm okay." I have to be okay, he doesn't say aloud- but Taehyung hears it all.

You have to be, darling, he agrees, as Jeongguk knows. You have to be, or I will fight my way back to you. This plan of yours be damned.

Jeongguk can't help but crack a smile, eyes burning as his hands fall back to his sides. He feels that touch on his palm again and he squeezes the phantom hand, wishing it were skin under his fingertips.

"It'll all work out," The queen says, and he can almost feel Taehyung's pride through the soft hum he gives. "I'll make sure it does."

I have no doubt, Taehyung assures, I trust no one more than you with our home, my queen.

And Jeongguk's smile widens at his words. 'Our' home, he says. Theirs. The throne, theirs. Together.

Always together, he hears echoed in his mind.

Jeongguk rolls over onto his side, bunching the duvet under his chin. "How have you and hyung been?" He asks, and he grins at the groan Taehyung gives.

I should have killed Yoongi when I had the chance, he grumbles. I have never before realized how infuriating he is.

"You can't kill him, Taehyungie," he laughs softly, "Yoongi hyung is there to protect you." There's only a moment of silence and Jeongguk can't help but giggle at his husband's petulance. "Tell hyung to stay safe," he whispers and Taehyung hums.

And not me, my love? He asks and Jeongguk only shrugs further into his pillows. So cruel, he sighs and the queen giggles again.

But the lightheartedness fades as the king falls silent and Jeongguk feels an invisible hand brush through his hair.

We have not had a very fortuitous start, His husband says, and Jeongguk can hear the irritation in his voice. I had thought I felt something along the southern border but it disappeared as quickly as I had noticed it.

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