Chapter 30: In Life The Game Continues After Checkmate

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"It's been a while since we've been able to do this," Yongsun wonders as she leans back in her seat, the sun's rays bouncing off the edge of the sunglasses perched in her hair. Jeongguk hums, licking the edge of his fork, a small cake between them. "Are you certain His Majesty can be seen out and about in a human city like this?" She asks, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. They're seated inside a small high-class cafe, the snow outside enough of a deterrent from the cute patio seats.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes and tucks his hair behind his ear. "His Majesty," he stresses with a smile, "can do whatever he wants."

She 'oo's, taking a small bite of her own. "Sassy," she quips, "but I'd think Captain Hoseok and Lord Jimin would keep you inside at all times- with everything going on."

"Oh, they really want to, but I said no." He turns, looking out the window, watching the people come and go. He can smell the humans all around them, their blood pumping in their veins. Their heartbeat in his ears. He swallows, looking away. Yongsun has a curious look in her eye but she doesn't say anything, waiting. "I'm not a bird that can be... put in a shiny cage," he finally says, arms crossing over his chest. Jeongguk can feel his skirt pull across his thighs, the leather of his jacket creaking with the movement. "They can't scare me into submission."

"But they can hurt you," she counters, taking another bite. Jeongguk can see Moonbyul seated just a few tables away, a phone in her hands. She looks like she's just idly scrolling but Jeongguk can see her eyes flick up to her Lord every few minutes.

Jeongguk can only sigh, head tipping to the side. Taehyung is silent in his head. Busy, maybe. "Noona," Yongsun perks up, her glasses slipping back on her head, "can I ask you something?"

It's a little unlike him to be so serious with her and he can see her brow furrow, hands lacing together over the tabletop. "Of course you can." Her tone is just as serious and his heart warms at the instant reaction, the quick trust.

It's been on his mind for a minute- the Lord he's never met. The Lord who hardly speaks up. The Lord who rose to power on someone else's money and influence.

"Can you tell me everything you know about Jaehyun?"

Yongsun blinks, reaching up to fix her glasses. "Jae? As in my cousin?" He nods and her lips purse, face scrunching in thought. "I don't know how much there is to tell, to be honest. He hasn't been a Lord for as long as I have, so he isn't as established."

"How did the split from your coven go?" He asks and she scoffs, leaning back in her seat.

"Oh, awful," she twirls a chunk of hair around her finger, eyes focused over his shoulder as she thinks. "My mother was so furious that he wanted to leave, she threatened to tear him out of every family record." She huffs out a laugh and Jeongguk grins, imagining it. "He was so upset that I had been granted my position, but I earned this," she taps a finger on the table, lip curling, "I've put everything into my coven. I earned a seat at the table. He didn't do a damn thing except whine and beg."

"And Yi listened," Jeongguk added, and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't even get me started on that old man," Yongsun readjusts and Jeongguk watches as she turns, waving a hand to Moonbyul. Her Shield quickly stands and walks over, shoving her phone in her pocket. "Sweetheart, come sit with me," she beckons and the blonde blushes, sliding in beside her.

Moonbyul gives a short bow towards Jeongguk, cheeks still pink as she murmurs a, "pardon me, Your Majesty." He waves a hand, smiling at how Yongsun curls into her side, arms linking.

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